• Official Post

    Hello Damorians!

    We have heard from many players that it is extremely frustrating when attacks on bandit camps are unsuccessful. At this point we would like to say again that we do not like a game of "I start 1000 bandit attacks and hope everything is fine".

    Our opinion is, that a player should do a little more for an upgrade and not just be passed around lists kept by Alliance leaders.

    But we decided to do it anyway, as we will make adjustments here during lockdowns, when many also have other things on their minds.
    - Bandit camps are no longer deleted if an attacker finally loots them
    - Bandit camps are no longer deleted if attacks are still in progress
    - only for the achievement "Upgrade for Halloween Castle" is the requirement that you have to steal something from this bandit attack. So if you are late, your attack will not count towards this progress.
    - For the alliance event "100% more production" every attack on a bandit camp counts, even if nothing is stolen.

    We wish you a lot of fun - stay healthy!

    Your Damoria team