• hi
    are you sure that it's all right with inactive player?
    why isn't possible to have clear evidence of inactivity-days of each player?

    • Official Post

    why you need that? It makes it so easy to break rules, get fleets, etc etc.
    After 60days a inactive is deleted. Yes i keep some logs, but no one could report that and visiting it is rly hard, because you havent that player ingame anymore.

    For log-times look to our data privacy list.

    If you think that something is "wrong" you can write via GO Button Ingame or me here on board.


  • there are two ways to become yellow player , correct?
    1) after 1 week of inactivities , i mean , i'm not in vacation mode, but i do nothing in game , so ii become yellow , correct?
    2) after 60day of vacation mode or more?

    it's all automatic ?
    surely i can make a mistake , but it seems to me that several player are in vacation mode for many months.
    why we can't have a change to see the days of vacation?
    so all it's clear . for every player
    do you think this is a so bad idea?

    • Official Post

    its 60days in one vacation mode - so if someone leave and go back into vacation mode (there is no waiting time between that) you have resettet these 60days

    if you show these days than all players would hunt them - i think you dont understand what some players have to click to see if a player could come out of vacation and to plan for that.
    These players have to click, inform and get ready to the right moment. this is what many players like.

    Your idea is possible, yeah, but it brings nothing - you see it easy and anyone will sit around these players. I think you will see nothing from them - so right now, you have some more chances.

  • first of all thanks for clarification.
    it's possible that my idea , as you say, "brings nothing" , but it's an idea for move something, do somehing.
    actually , game, ranking, it's all freezed!!