• Official Post

    Hello Space Pilots,

    today we want to introduce you to changes to wars.
    Starting now, these will be called "Invasions"!

    We built the invasions like the wars before, but adapted them to the state of the art and added a few nice additional functions - more on that below.

    The invasion update is planned to ship tomorrow. Active wars will be taken over.

    There is a new invasion page. The old war / diplomacy page has been updated.

    the following points have remained as before:

    • Invasions are declared for 24 hours (as with the old system)
    • a maximum of 5 invasions can be active at the same time
    • An invasion can only be declared if both, your own and your opponents' alliance has at least 3 members
    • Opposing alliances can be challenged by an unlimited number of alliances
    • A time countdown is displayed for a newly declared invasion
    • the "ending" of an invasion is possible with capitulation. This is only allowed after 15 days.

    We have built in a few variables that can be adapted in upcoming (event) universes:

    • Declaration time: can be changed (currently 24 hours)
    • Capitulation time: when can you capitulate? (currently 15 days)
    • Peace time: when can a new invasion be started after capitulation or expire (currently no limit)
    • Maximum duration: the duration of an invasion (currently infinite)
    • the number of members required: (currently 3)
    • the number of simultaneous active invasions: (currently 5)

    There are now 3 counters for invasions. added together - this sum defines the "damage done to the enemy"; these values are:

    • Destroyed ships: the cost of the destroyed ships in Spice
    • Defense Destroyed: The cost of the defensive units destroyed in Spice
    • stolen resources: the stolen resources in Spice

    The sum gives the damage in the invasion period.

    All invasions will be automatically published on a central invasion overview page. Every player can see which invasions are currently taking place in the universe. Each player can also see the status (damage) of an invasion.

    For external pages (or our forum) you will be provided with a link to a picture where the damage values are updated regularly by itself. You no longer have to change data manually!

    Invasion subcategories have been created for our forum. It is not mandatory to create a thread for an invasion - but you are more then welcome to share the different battle reports or to exchange diplomatically with your opponent (according to the rules).

    What do you think - have we forgotten anything? Do you want anything else?

    Here is a screenshot as a preview of what to expect:

    best regards
    Your SpaceInasion team