• Hi !

    I restarted to play this game since fews days, and I was surprised and I didn't unsdertand why I could not attack someone who is hostile for me ?

    If someone has an answer to my problem :/

    • Official Post

    there are 2 options (in most cases it was one of these)

    1. 10.000 points attack protection.. so you cannot attack and you can't launch attacks below 10.000 points.
    (both players has to have more than 10.000 points)

    2. planet moves. After a planet move your planet can't be attacked for 12hours. also you can't launch attacks from this planet (except to inactive targets)
    You see the status of your planet on the command central - so if the planet was moved you will see something like "blocked until XXX"


  • Oh ok ! Thanks for the answer, we have both less than 10.000 points. By the way can you explain what is "treasure hunt" ?

    • Official Post

    Today (see announcement) is a Black Friday Event.

    You can hunt for up to 1.000 treasures.
    Look on the galaxy map for a yellow golden coin. On this planet start a treasure hunt (its a flight with only 1 probe)
    There are only some chests on a treasure planet - but if you have luck, you will get a chest.

    Click on the coin (top menu or left menu if you go for the new design) - there you can open your chests to get gold and exchange these for great bonuses.
