• We have the attack protection till ~129 hours from now, but the planet move is possible till ~182 hours from now - ~52 hours later.
    This is not mine or SI-team's mistake, right ?

  • What if the planet, ready to be moved, is under enemy attack or enemy transport ?
    I think it must be able to be moved, but will it be ?
    Maybe not, and this opens the possibility of jamming the move, which in my opinion is illegal in classic SI terms.

    Edited 3 times, last by sitizen ().

    • Official Post

    its not new that we defined these dates such we do ... so i didn't get the problem.

    If you want to wait until end, you have the risk; if you want to do it now - yep you have no trouble with jamming / blocking, its your choice.
    But at all, we don't want to have a final move rush; so the best way is to "bring" this kind of risk into this procedure.
