• @Lord Dragoon

    I do not know where your problem is, this feature exists from the beginning and everyone has already used it. Your teammates have already used the Spytrick. Just because you now feel that annoying should it be done?

    With the new update comb also the relief of troops going to send, unfortunately one can very quickly send the troops over again.

    If you are clever, you can do it quickly with a keyboard shortcut

    Instead of constantly refueling, fight and support your team. I have not seen a fight from you yet :D :D

  • If you read the original post you'll be able to see why I'm speaking here.

    That's one way that you can do it but there are better and more effective methods than just spamming support and single troop attacks.

    You wouldn't have seen a fight from me because...

    #1. You weren't a target.
    #2. With the new update, you and I aren't able to fight.
    #3. Battle reports were probably spammed.

    Just as you're able to make your arguments as to why the spy trick shouldn't be changed, I'm able to argue why it should be. I've listened to everyone's arguments here addressing it and I'm not swayed at all because a lot of the arguments in favor of not changing it are weak.

    Just because everyone's used it means that it shouldn't be changed?

    The last part of your post is irrelevant to the discussion and adds nothing to it so rather than trying to make yourself look any more foolish, why not try adding something constructive here? :) :)

  • this topic is not about the spy trick, it is about the player mentioned above and the fact he is sendng over 2000 supports a day which cant be normal because you would need to click over 4 hours nonstop

    If you want a specific player to be checked for the use of bugs or macros, you must create a support ticket. The forum is not the place for this.