• Since I am observing a paradigmen shift issuing combat reports in this forum
    (in Retro Universe as also in the Nexus Universe), I thought this is now the right time and the right place to
    post a combat report, which took an imensive amount of Skill, Pllanning and collaboration with all my friends from SI.
    Be aware, cause after this report nothing will be the same anymore:


    Think about it, you attention seeking ignorant combat report spammers.
    There is a minimum amount of units to make a post reseanonable for this threat.
    and it would be nice, if you could look out for red opponnents...
    yellow victims are no attention worse.

    So, my petition:

    - no "inactive"-combat reports anymore!
    - look out for a minimum unit count, before inflationally posting every single transporter you shot!
    - use SI-Master or a similar Combat report conversion system to avoid people from getting eye cancer or any other serious eye disease!

    Thanks for your attention.

    Man ist nicht gleich überheblich, bloss weil man weiss, was man kann und was der Andere nicht kann.

    ...Top-Anwärter für: "bester Nachbar 2020"