• Hiya all!
    Dschibait I have question to You. I do was more 2600 treasure(golds), but I forgot convert this in Interdimensional Transmitter and I lost all.

    Is it possible back to me all this? Because I thought the event would end on October 9th.

    And just loose this time, because nothing not do with this. Just collected and not spent. :( :( :(

    • Official Post

    no - we didnt change any event stuff after the event end date.

    We want to have this event as a standard "between the game" event - so at this moment i plan to let all gold / chests on the accounts - i didnt reset it at all.

    so - you can access all that stuff next time we launch that event - but maybe the team want to reset this - so you didnt should plan with that and maybe it will come so.