• Hello,

    Today I tried to send a message via the dispatch message to our alliance members.
    I clicked send and the message was send to only myself and a few other alliance members
    I also received a message that "the message could not be send to some players..."
    I think this has something to do with the new privacy settings.
    It is okay that you cannot send a message without enabling this option, but not receiving anything?
    How do you communicate with someone then without using enabling that option?

    Kind regards

  • But can't this be said about every message that was send?
    Maybe just make the option a little more permanent?
    --> make it so that it states that all previous message (received and sended) before you clicked the option may be read by admins?
    In that way there is no problem?

    • Official Post

    to my knowledge, the permission at the time of the creation of the message must have been agreed.

    the problem is that the alliance message system is just a "mass" mail function. There is no "split" of that to the main inbox / outbox.
    For example in SpaceInvasion you have alliance messages which are "flagged" as alliance messages - so i can different between them.