• Hello to everyone,

    So far we have rule, that player without VS, offline more than 35 days (i think :saint: ) turn grey.
    Players with VS are in game even after 35 days offline and that's all right, making VS as good idea for players who cannot log in for a while.
    But we have in game plenty of players offline longer than 100,200,300.....even 900 days...obviously with VS, but in this point why VS and why to keep them in game. There was plenty of time to solve it within every alliance and it is more than sure that these players will probably never come back to game (in my point,these are seconday accounts of some not too honest players).
    So my idea is to give limited time to players with VS for comming back to game, let's say 180 days should be more that fair and after 180 days offline turn grey them is well.
    As result, more grey castles and of course a bit more interest in this game.

    Greetings to all