• SI is a great game – it must be or I and others wouldn’t be playing it for years, but there are a couple of things that could be done to enhance the playing experience. The addition of the “Stars” program Is great! It really helps the new players advance quickly and more fully participate in the game. With that in mind, below are a few other enhancements and additions that could make the game even more fun and challenging:

    • On the Interdimensional Transmitter, when returning the “You Get another free spin”, also include something with it (resource, ships, urplasma, etc.) to make it truly a good thing. As it is now, it’s more of an annoyance: you get nothing out of it.
    • It’s nice that ships can traverse from Universe 1 to Universe 14, but this essentially makes the galaxy “cylindrical,” which galaxies are not. Why not also make it possible to go from system 1 to system 400 in the universes? This would make the galaxy circular, which is more like it is naturally.
    • If the galaxy is circular, have only 360 systems in it, as in the degrees of a circle, not 400.
    • Vary the number of planets in a system. Right now all star systems have 16 planets; it would be more interesting if that number varied, as they are in real life.
    • Some universes, such as Retro, have many players; others, like Int, have fewer, yet all have 14 universes within – which means that players can be far more separated in the less populous system and thus have less contact. In the less populated Unis, why not “contract” the universe down to 10 or 12 uni until an increase in players needs the additional planets? More contact = more fun and challenge!
    • Allow multiple asteroids, or “moons”: a 2nd or 3rd one?
    • If there’s a battle at a planet with an asteroid, or at the asteroid itself, allow some of the rubble to “fall” to the asteroid and increase its size, to a new maximum of 60 fields. If 60 fields is reached, then the possibility of creating another asteroid/moon. Also, if this occurs, half of the improvements on the existing asteroid are destroyed by the impacts.
    • To eliminate confusion on when an event ends, such as the flower/rubble event just completed, include an event timer counting down how much time remains in the event. Perhaps include it on the main page just below where the number of flowers was shown?
    • In these events, perhaps keep track of how many flowers/how much rubble was collected and award 1st, 2nd, 3rd prizes for the most recovered?
    • Display a notification when a construction is completed, just as when an achievement is reached. The same display bar could be used but color-coded to reflect the different things being completed.
    • Prefix a planet’s asteroid with the planet’s name. Right now they are all called “asteroid,” which can be confusing. If multiple asteroids are allowed around a planet, then add a numerical suffix to the asteroid’s name.
    • At the bottom of the main screen, there the “Intergalactic planet overview” is located, add a similar function “Intergalactic fleet overview,” listing fleet ships by planet & what’s being built.
    • At the bottom of the columns of resources in “Intergalactic planet overview” (and similarly in “Intergalactic fleet overview,” if added), add a “total” line at the bottom, totaling each column.
    • Add a new category of “colony”: a “Fire base.” These are not full-fledged planetary colonies but a war base of limited capabilities. On a fire base, only shields can be built for defense, and only fleet bases, development centers, Microsystem Accelerators, and teleporters can be built – no manufacturing or mining facilities! After all, it’s a military base! Allow a player a maximum of perhaps 2 or 3 of these. The choice of what’s to be built—colony or fire base-- can be made as the colony ship is sent out, and a fire base cannot later be converted to a regular colonial planet.

    Some of these are likely easier to implement than others, but all would enhance the game. Players: if you agree, let Admin know by posting it here!

  • Quite interesting

    :thumbup: http://dev1337.spaceinvasion.info/hof.php?u=36 TOP 6 :thumbup:

    :saint: Jestem,kim jestem :saint:
    :evil: SI2-Endless :evil:
    8) sojusz-alliance 8)
    :thumbup: .Soldiers of Death. [.SOD.] :thumbup:

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  • I have to agree. Many of these points are very interesting and in turn could change the game for the better! I would love to see what the Admin and owners think of some of these ideas and have any counter arguments as to why it couldn't work etc!

  • Every improvement that benefits the hunters and those who want to "destroy" and "kill" will lead to even quicker emptying of the universes - more planets, fire bases, asteroids, shorter distanses, greater ship speeds, faster uni times and so on.
    Unfortunately most players refuse to play under pressure.

  • Going through a little, note it is just how i see it, nothing final about anything:

    1.) it's kind of a blank - but since a real loss would involve gambling stuff it's done that way
    2.) we discussed about it already, there is no final thought about it
    3.) usless but if then only in new universes. it does not really matter with circle degree or not
    4.) rather not - SI1 is not made for that; if then only in new universes
    5.) see the discussions already made (which also involves mergin etc. - also it is kind of the problem cutting down systems or planets)
    6.) reason? no use for that
    7.) no, simply no -- delete the roid an make another astro shot if youi think it's too small
    8.) still confusion whether it's the "after-party" (the time-frame behin where you can still use the flowers etc but not collect anymore) end or the collection end -- tho shall read the announcements...
    9.) we have an overview about it, but additional winnings for those that have already most out of it? seems legit... (yeap, watch my name here...)
    10.) it'll getr annoying soon - rather not; using the same systems as achievements i doubt but of course it could be visualized like those
    11.) you have the coords suffix / visual - can't see a reason; beside on some positions it might work easier than on other to implement (simply the old problems in SI1)
    12.) what's being built is visible; the fleet(s) [depending if in flight also that's why the 's'] will clutter that overview; possibly another but i highly doubt it will look nice anyways
    13.) hell no, just collect it on you main (asteroid) :P
    this has been around a long time already, just read through the idea pool (also on the old board)
    14.) no reason for that: each planet, even with 70 fields will do the same job. mining, building or raid base already formed by the use of simply building it up the proper way for the purpose.

    people are already scared by the time you need for SI in order to be successful... oh and probably by it's "classic charme". although with the speed up system you can build up pretty speedy still you have to invest time in the flights and preparing attacks etc - not really casual like they want to have it nowadays.

    The "kill the roid" thing was tried and still people parked at home (while not EF-ing). So there is no difference in scary universe or not. Beside there are still other ways to intercept as we know. But that's what belongs to SI as well: being kicked and rebuild - but as said above it's again time you have to invest...

  • Every improvement that benefits the hunters and those who want to "destroy" and "kill" will lead to even quicker emptying of the universes - more planets, fire bases, asteroids, shorter distanses, greater ship speeds, faster uni times and so on.
    Unfortunately most players refuse to play under pressure.

    Correct me if I am wrong, but SI is a WAR game.

    Well done TwoPair for at least thinking about SI and ways to improve it. Positive input is always good.

    :thumbup: :thumbup: :thumbup: :thumbup: :thumbup: :thumbup: :thumbup: :thumbup:

    Torak of SCAR