Maybe at least read event post before crying at forum? At this event you cant get 2 planet moves. One for 1000 spooky flights, second for 3000 spooky flights. So no after you hit 3000 there will be no 10 000:

    Halloween 2022

    To move planet click at 'i' button next to your planet name:


    There you should see something like this (under planet data):

    I don't have it cause I already used it. But yea, probably your account is cursed cause you are such a good player....

    aaaa :D Damn, sorry then. Idk why I was using wrong URL :D

    And no, I don't plan public project :( I feel like it would take me more time :D I can manage somehow without a ranking.

    Thank you for your answer <3


    :!: 1. I try to get ranking API from SI2 following the thread: RankApiThread. I want to get ranking data from SI2 but when I use instance=si2 then I get error response:

    {"jsonrpc":"2.0","error":{"code":1,"message":"no valid instance ident!","id":1}}

    I tried to use different instances and when I use: "retro, nexus, int2, int3, root" the json is returned. But with "si2, si2speed" I have same error.

    My URL looks like that

    url = ''''

    So probably SI2 instance name is something else?

    :!: 2. When I get data (for example using instance=retro) data looks like that:

    So the 'sandbox' version is just example data and have nothing to do with real data?

    :!: 3. Here: StartAccessingTheSpaceinvasionApis, there is info that I should register my project but "A guide "how you register a project" can you find here" doesn't work for me. (It's not responding)

    Yes, 200 is too little!

    it’s easier to buy at the price of coffee than to look for and collect 10 such disks for half a year

    Damn idk. I think you exaggerate. I gathered 5/10 ultraplasma parts in last week. If it takes you half year to gather one disc I think you are doing something wrong. From single alien I think 5/6 disc parts (the real parts that doesn't need to be reconstructed) it's pretty easy to get.

    But of course if you want to increase it to 200 that's awsome for me, I will not be oppose :D

    20 uroplasma is a lot???? 200 is not enough for such a disk, it takes a lot of effort to assemble it

    power disk and 100% disk must be used on players

    200? :O
    I'm not sure if you know how to get discs. There are 3 possible ways to gather discs:

    1 - rubble field on alien planet.
    2 - normal attack on alien planet.
    3 - normal attack on alien planet but after that attack that alien gets destroyed.

    When you go for option 1 then I agree it's hard to get disc. Discs arent worth this recounstruction time. But when you go option 2/3 you get normal discs, with scanner ship it's not that rare to get them. For example my last destroyed alien:

    I think it should work like Excel. So I think there are mainly two options:

    1. You click on first cell, you don't write anything, then nothing happens first cell is just selected, if you click second cell then first cell stops beeing selected (value stays same like before clicking on it), and second cell becomes selected.
    2. You click on first cell, it's selected. You write something, the cell is overwritten. You select second cell now, the first cell stops beeing selected but value has changed (to the value you entered from the keyboard), and second cell becomes selected.

    I think that if after changing cell (without enter) value would return to the original it would be also pretty annoying. In excel for example you dont have to confirm the value in cell with enter, you can write someting into cell and then move to the next cell with enter/tab/arrow/mouse.
    Of course in excel there is also option of reversing the changes with 'Ctrl + z' so maybe thats also reason why confirming isn't that important. But I think the best thing you can do is to try make some changes on some test profile (with your different solutions) and look what you think is the easiest and most enjoyable way for you :D

    when attacking an alien with a disk, uroplasm captures only 20 uroplasm !!!! it's nothing at all!!! this needs to be revisited.

    and in general it is necessary to revise the system of disks, why are they? they do not add any semantic load to the game

    I can agree with that. But I prefer to give a slightly more specific answer.

    Let's start from that aliens don't really have much resources, So there is no reason to farm them for that. Interception is incredibly profitable mechanic but there must be muliple players cooperating with each other and as I see from my questions probably nobody knows how they works. I didn't see anybody who is doing interceptions.

    So the last thing about aliens are their discs:

    :!: Data-Disc-Secrets and Data-Disc-Spawn - I would say this discs are ok. This are hard to get without scanner ship. They introduce kind of progress mechanic into aliens. But sooner or later they mean nothing since every player got them.

    :!: Data-Disc-Power - Completly useless disc. At world like SI2 with x100 speed up bonus until ~600m points it's useless in every situation. Players can earn for fleet so fast that this 10% is not real advantage in normal attacks. It could be useful with interception attacks but when you send interception attacks you probably send multiple at once (to have ~100% chance to hit) so you must have multiple discs for single interception. So disc is just bad.
    :?: Posible solution - Maybe if disc would be made out of single part, maybe two. Or somehow would give player 10% bonus but not for single attack but for time (I think 10 minutes is enough) on attacked alien. That would make disc better in my opinion.

    :!:Data-Disc_loot - Also really useless disc. 100% loot instead of 50% is in best case like 10 milion resources more? But you still can get them by sending more attacks? Also again, on world with x100 speed-up aliens resources arent big thing so I'm not sure if that disc makes any difference, you can even farm couple spacias (with no efford) to get that amount of resources.
    :?: Possible solution - Again make this disc single part (but even then it would be still pretty bad). Another solution is to make that disc as a multiplier for example x5 or x10 (maybe even more) more resources from attack. Then players also would carefully pick the moment they use it (probably first attacks on alien when he got most resources on him). Or maybe make that disc permanent like first two, then it would be like another level in progressing with aliens.

    :!: Data-Disc-Ultraplasma - Probably the best disc in game so far. I didn't know it's 20 ultraplasma ( I never used it before ). But it seems pretty ok. It's a premium currency, it shouldn't be too easy to get. I think that disc is ok.

    :!: Data-Disc-Evolution - Idea of disc is ok. But the time of bonus is pretty short. It's made from 12 fragments (with 16 max possible per day?) and gives 500% bonus for 2 hours? So in 2 hours you get production of 10 hours? (maybe 12 if it's 100%+500%). If you look at how much work needs to be done to get this disc and compare it with chill farming spacias or players (with x100 speed up bonus production) then this disc isn't that impressive. Also at high points players most of the production isn't comming from self production. Disc probably can be useful for small players with speed up bonus cause if you multiply that x100 bonus times 5 it can be something, but for big players disc is bad.
    :?: Possible solution - Probably the best thing would be increasing muliplier or/and time of disc. But maybe it should be increased depending on your points? So no matter who uses it he will get this x500 normal production? So for players with less then 10% of first player points would get 500% bonus but players with more then 50% of first player (possible speed-up is x2) would get 25 000% bonus? :D And even then I think that time would have to be increased maybe to 12 hours, maybe 24? Then I feel like it would be something to chase.

    :!: Data-Disc-Wormhole - Another useless disc. Single instant attack is just nothing. I can tell that to destroy aliens I normally make more then 30 attacks. Then what is that single attack for? It's not worth of normal attack cause what's the difference if you make single instant attack when you have to send 30 flights anyway? Also not worth much if you think about interception cause what's chance that you hit with single moment exactly at the moment when aliens are back?
    :?: Possible solution - Probably best thing with that would be making it not single attack but probably time? Like 5 minutes? So player would be able to instantly kill even whole alien? Or if you don't want that then maybe simple fixed amount of attacks like let's say 10, you open wormhole and it got counter of 10 attacks through it. Then you can use it to destroy alien, you can use it for amazing interceptions (when I think about it maybe even 5 attacks per wormhole would be more accurate), then it just have any value.

    Also I'm not sure if right know the mechanic of "Reconstructing data discs" is appropriate for now. I cummulate damaged data discs now and I'm not going to reconstruct them cause I don't think it's beneficial at all to pay so many research hours for single disk part that is not even good :/

    This are just propositions of pretty simple changes that don't change much in mechanic. Of course there is milion other ways for make aliens better but I don't have whole day for writing :D Probably the most simple thing that can be added to alien is something like research-disc, disc that can shorten your research time. You can just copy code from pirate event so shouldnt be much work. Even that single change would make aliens so much better and would give any advantage for players that try to make them :D

    I found that in SI tool solar cells aren't affected by changing Speed-up of the account.

    For test I created two planets:

    One of them have 1 lvl pig iron mine and 1 lvl fusion plant:

    The secon one got 1 solar cell at defence:

    Now in economy when Speed-up are set to 1 energy looks like that:

    And when I change it to 100 it looks like that:

    So as you can see, the energy from the fusion plant and pig iron production has increased while the energy from the solar cell has remained the same. I play at SI 2 with x100 speed up and I can say that they are also affected by speed up :D Idk if that's bug or maybe I do something wrong?

    The second thing (I'm not even sure if thats bug or you did it on purpose). When I click on any cell (for example building level) and I pass the value from keyboard then if click on any other cell that value (from the first cell where I inserted value) jumps to the second cell I clicked. That's really annoying but maybe that's the desired behaviour.

    Thank you for your answer. Everyting works just as I expected.

    I already recreated whole rotation system and to get the current positions of planets in orbit.
    I also did as you suggest and created a new reference file cause rotating all 37093 planets 3450 times each it's taking couple seconds (couple seconds too long :D).

    So thank you for your answer and your work, it's great job and awsome tool.


    but you are wrong, if this is happening the rotation for these are continued in that earlier state (for about XX-FALSE-XX days and not the XX-TRUE-XX days amount) which ends up that any other planet rotation in the universe could be wrong. (and not on just one day)

    What I meant is that in normal situation same coordinates for this four planets would happen again after that 3316390 days. But because of that system where two planets hit same spot their coordinates can jump forward this can possibly happen ealier then 3316390 days :D
    Let's assume that's the case and we had some coordinates (of this four planets) in day 1000 and in day 2000. Then if we search in day 1000 everything will be fine, synchronization will show to us 1000 spins. But if we are in day 2000 the synchronization will show us 1000 again so it will be wrong (cause for real we are 2000 days from start).

    And if I understand you right then of course if next day you only make one more spin so in tool you will have 1001 spins you still will have wrong data (cause for real it's day 2001 not 1001). But if you do the synchronization again (at day 2001) then tool will show proper number of 2001 spins cause the coordinates of four planets weren't seen before :D

    I hope I understood you well.