In my opinion, things are fine as they are. This is refreshing, to have no super speed or speed up. Even Spacia is low level. This is good for now. Be patient. I think you are too used to the high speed of short term universes, or to the speed up and incredible amount of resources just lying around in other universes. This feels pure, like it was 15 years ago...

    Of course 15 years ago there was no Spacia, so it was even slower to grow. I remember sending a transmitter to any inactive I could see, and just the system next door would take about 40 minutes.

    In this high speed world, some patience is a good thing. :)

    And of course, the more people attack Spacia, the more Spacia's mines grow, so we will soon have much more to fight for.

    Ich werde versuchen, einen Übersetzer zu benutzen. Meine Deutschkenntnisse sind fast null.

    Das Problem damit, ist immer, dass man eine solche Ändern genau so gut zum Pushen benutzen kann. An sich kann ich verstehen woher die Idee kommt, jedoch wie unterbindet man da am besten das Pushing? Oder wie kann man das am besten so machen ohne eine Freifläche für Pushing zu bieten?

    Es wäre vielleicht besser, dafür einen anderen Thread zu eröffnen, aber kann jemand kurz Beispiele nennen, wo die Flottenwiederherstellung missbraucht werden könnte?

    Tatsächlich finde ich die Idee von Pumbaa da wohl am besten um neue Spieler zu schützen, da sie ausschließlich neue Spieler schützt, was hier ja das Ziel der Änderung, die zurückgenommen wurde, ist.

    Ich stimme dem zu, aber nicht ganz. Ich denke, dass der Verlust der Flotte ein wichtiger Grund ist, das Spiel aufzugeben. Das ist nicht nur ein Problem für neue Spieler, sondern oft auch der Grund, warum erfahrene Spieler aufhören.

    I agree. As a general starting point, 30 days is good. But to reset that 30 days at every milestone means months before a reset is possible.

    Quick question for anyone that knows (I didn't pay attention the last milestone when I chose a new spec skill), does the option to redo all your specialization choices become available when you reach a new milestone?

    Perhaps what's needed is a revision and expansion of something we already have: the attack zones. First, revise them so it's based of fleet attack capability, not overall total of everything. Then revise and expand the number of zones.

    I agree with the idea that AZ should take into account fleet strength, but there is a perspective around building size that should be considered too. For a small fleeter with almost no mines and 20,000 phoenix, a fleet loss is incredibly damaging. For a miner with level 40 mines, 20,000 phoenix can be rebuilt in a very short time just through production. So there is a sense that mines should be considered in AZ too.

    Another thing is worth discussing again, and that is the fleet restoration when someone loses fleet. I remember this was tested in a speed uni a few years ago. I think something like this should be implemented. Space Invasion is a game that rewards time more than it rewards skill. I lost my fleet in the Ecowars uni when my CEO called me into a sudden meeting after hours when my fleet was about to arrive. Real life is more unforgiving than this game.

    Res "stealing" is one problem, and this can be frustrating for smaller players. To avoid this maybe the AZ system from Sirius, but using spice points instead.

    But fleet loss is a real "rage quit" moment for everyone. If a player loses fleet, they should have a pop up message giving them a choice of restoring that fleet up to 70% for free over 7 days while in a system applied spectral mode if they click "yes please". Then they should be given a gift of all assistants for 3 days after the system spectral mode is lifted to help them get the remaining 30% fleet loss back. There must also be a button to refuse this, for example I baited a top player into attacking me 2 days ago so I could get an asteroid. If the system took my shiny new asteroid away, I would be unhappy. So I would prefer to click "no thanks" in that situation. I also think this option of fleet restoration should only be offered for 48 hours. If a player is not back online within 2 days, they can't choose to restore their fleet.

    I have been in meetings, so haven't had time, but I will send a ticket ingame in a few hours about not seeing a warning when I launch an attack.

    EDIT - it works normally now, no need for a ticket!

    But I think there are 2 different perspectives here:
    1 - the modern world (and definitely modern gaming) is all about immediate gratification, not about overcoming a challenge. With all modern games you can choose to play hardcore, or you can choose to be able to go back one hour to your last save and therefor avoid all consequences of poor play. The SI team obviously need to find a way to meet this need. The new SI has become more and more about gratification with treasure hunts and free rubble and interdimensional spins and easy aliens and spacia res for free etc. Nobody should be surprised about this trend. SIMs are very popular, because they are not difficult.

    2 - this game was a tough war game in its origins. Players that have been around for over a decade are definitely the ones who love the challenge, and who are skilled enough to meet any opponent on the digital battlefield. It was aggressive and there was no mercy. THAT is why this game became popular with the faithful old players. It was not easy! And those tough players were not wimps, they were fighters by nature! The purist fleeter built no mines, and he would attack ANYTHING that was red! That was the SI identity of old. Harsh, unforgiving, and so so so satisfying when you crush others, especially when they wept tears!

    Unfortunately these two perspectives are OPPOSITE to each other. I don't think there is an easy solution. But clearly the team is just trying to do their best to solve it. I can't complain about that. At least the game is not being abandoned like BigPoint did!

    However, is there not a different solution? What if there was a multi level interaction? For example, when I spy and attack someone, my attack could go through and it is me against another player. The best player wins. Great challenge!

    But possibly, the attack goes through and does not land on a player account, but an AI planet (Spacia MKII) becomes the target instead. I still get the res from a successful attack (and the risk of interception if the victim is strong enough), and the attacker enjoys the challenge of crashing fleet, but that player account is untouched, and my rewards come from the Spacia MKII. So after the battle lands, I see the player is still there, untouched, but the temporary Spacia MKII has that player's specs and this Spacia MKII can respond. This might be difficult to code, but initially it could just be a passive sense of leaving the victim account restored to what it was before the attack while the attacker still benefits from aggressive play.

    1. The conditions for when a victim gets this Spacia MKII help and when not can be done on a few criteria:
      how much bigger spice value is the other player?
      1. Attacker more than 25% bigger and the victim has 25% chance of Spacia MKII taking the hit.
      2. Attacker more than 50% bigger and the victim has 50% chance of Spacia MKII taking the hit.
      3. Attacker more than 75% bigger and the victim has 75% chance of Spacia MKII taking the hit.
      4. Etc
    2. how active is the victim?
      1. More than 1 log in per day = additional 10% chance of Spcia MKII taking the hit, etc...
    3. was an asteroid involved? - then more chance of Spacia MKII helping.
    4. maybe achievements can be factored in some way to add to the chances of help.

    I know I am trying to lay out a poorly developed idea, and I know there will be problems with this, but the base idea I am trying to communicate is a way to keep both styles of play a possible choice for anyone. It should not be so that active aggressive players are punished. But it needs to be that weaker less skilled players are helped so they don't quit. If only the strongest, most aggressive players, with 15 years of SI experience stay to play, the game will die. We need new players...

    So as a player who has played SI on and off for many years, I think this can be another strategy system that I could use if I joined an established universe and wanted to protect myself from bigger accounts. Each time they attacked, I could pretend I am not online until the last few seconds, then send my fleet away. With this, the player gets nothing from me, and he loses 5% raid ability for 7 days. Everytime a big player spied me and saw my fleet lying around, he would not be sure if I was online, and the cost would be too great.

    But I don't think many new players to the game would have the ability to apply this, and then if they loose their fleet, they will still quit. The big player gets a single shot of good rubble and takes the 5% hit on their raiding for 7 days, it's still worth it. There are some elements where this will help, but it isn't really solving things.

    If a player attacks but then recalls, I presume the 5% punishment won't be applied? If so, it is still worth big accounts trying for small accounts' fleets. It might stop the overnight res raids, but won't stop them trying for the big hits.

    By the way, I get no warning when setting up an attack against small players in either Genesis or Sirius...

    Am no longer an IU member. I wish IU the best, and for the immediate future, I will stay in VM and will not participate any further in this fight.

    IU were good to me, especially Sitizen and 2 or 3 other members. But since I am in VM (and 90% of the alliance too), the alliance seems to be dead, I am not interested in being in a mass alliance where nothing happens.

    Good luck to both alliances.

    I have spent gifts to gain research speed u in Sirius with no problems at times, but I recently spent 300 blue gifts to gain 10 hours speed up of research (I did this blue box exchange twice), and once 300 yellow boxes to gain 48 hours, but in these situations, nothing happened. The research is still as it was.

    I have tried some comparisons with other unis, and can't explain this. One of my blue box expenditures was out of VM, but not on the planet where I had started the research. When I changed to the planet where the research was going, the next expenditure seemed to get a speed up.

    The other blue box expenditure and the yellow box expenditure were after I went back into VM, and both were on the planet that had the research running, but neither of them have changed the research.

    In all other unis, spending boxes while in VM is not a problem, and spending boxes on research speed up while not on the planet where the research is running is also not a problem.

    I have opened a ticket ingame (4th January), but have not received a response for a few days. I realise this is a busy time for the team, but I am concerned that time to deal with gift box glitches is also running out for this event. I will stay in VM for now.

    Uni - Sirius
    User ID - 225


    Can't remember when or why I created this board account - username in Nexus is Raffie. qwerqwewert was obviously a moment of boredom....

    As Sitizen says above, I will be out of IU for a while for various reasons. Please treat me as IU during that time. For a few different reasons, I have decided to pump IU blood through my veins in this universe... and that won't change even when I am not tagged IU.

    Raffie turned to his right and said, "Jess, I hear MIB are good players."

    A beautiful black haired woman stepped out from behind the Command Center. She was completely naked. All his best Phoenix pilots were women, and all of them were beautiful, and ... they never wore clothes.

    "That seems to be true from what people say," she said.

    Raffie took a long look at her shapely form. "What do you suggest Jess?" he asked.

    "Hmm," she tilted her head to one side and looked deep into his eyes. "I suggest we continue as normal. We all just want to taste some blood occasionally. I'll see if I can spill some."

    She turned and walked off.

    Raffie shook his head in confusion. He thought he was the boss, but actually, he could never be totally sure what his pilots would do.....