Copied straight from the game description on research labs:


    So you can see that building labs past level 20 is incredibly expensive yet gives only a tiny increase in speed. The balance of building higher levels and getting a speed increase basically disappears.

    Was den saveassi angeht.. weiß nicht warum ihr das so kompliziert macht..
    wenn ihr die zeit hättet schiffe zu selektieren oder zu de-selektieren dann habt ihr auch die zeit einen kurzen saveflug für die schiffe zu starten die ihr da behalten wollt..
    Wie NoDelay schon geschrieben hat geht es beim saveassi in erster linie um die schnelligkeit und nicht darum das wir nun von 76 spionagesonden 9 da lassen oder nicht..

    I agree with this 99%. But the 1% is that the save assistant is more than just speed. In many speed universes, it is essential to have the save assistant in order to do a long save, or in the present Dark Gate, it solves the problem of areas that are covered in the fog of war that stops you from saving to them. It is also very useful for precision. I can easily manage to save my fleet in Nexus using the SI Tool, but finding a good destination that solves both low cost and precise timing when my real life is very busy, it is not so easy. I basically can't play Nexus without the save assistant if real life is too busy... saving to a system far away in order to be sure to get my save when it returns becomes too expensive in spice.

    The one thing I find frustrating with the save assistant in its present form is leaving some resources behind for a building that is in the queue and going to start while I am offline. This is usually only in the early stages of building a planet, but it is a common enough need that I do wish I could select a save with certain amount of resources left behind.

    As Christmas Eve draws near, may you all have glasses filled with golden whisky, bowls and plates filled with rich food, families filled with happiness and health, and dreamless sleep filled with peace.

    May your mines overflow with resources and your recyclers overflow with rubble - as long as the rubble does not come from my ships!

    When midnight arrives tonight, and old Saint Nick starts to visit all your houses, I'll be painting my probes to look like reindeers so that I can sneak around and look for gifts too! :)

    MERRY CHRISTMAS friends and foes!

    Apologies for the English.

    I think another attractive proposal would be that fast unis like Dark Gate should have no VM possible. So only red or yellow players (and blue - but only for the low level, no VM blue).

    This type of uni is short term anyway, so people go into VM because they are basically rage quitting after losing their fleet (of course there will be other reasons too). They should just go yellow and assist the growth of others.

    Even a longer speed uni like Genesis (2 years) could be VM free...

    But as much as I like the idea of no VM, I do have accounts in some unis in VM because I am playing Dark Gate actively... so I find myself agreeing with both sides of the discussion here.

    Link the umode directly to the activity. This means that the number of days of activity is decisive for the number of days you can go to the Umode.

    I like this. In fact, I like it enough to like it and repeat it while saying I like it! :)

    I struggle with all sorts of lag, and at the same time, I know my internet is very good. No other website lags for me...

    Standard is close to 1 second after clicking something before SI responds, but often (very often) it can take from 5 seconds to 2 minutes. Searching for treasure, or sending recyclers, or clicking in the buildings - all has lag.

    I have 2 observations about the lag.

    1 - I can click recall on an EF to do a ninja on an incoming attack. I know I timed it to recall and land less than 2 seconds before the attack lands (I have done many successful attacks and ninjas that needed split second timing). But nothing happens after I click. 25 seconds later, the page responds and the EF lands 8 seconds after the attack lands. This situation is the one time that I actually timed everything. But it has happened to me a number of other times. It is very frustrating, and means that I feel I cannot be competitive in this game. So I sit in VM when the frustration gets too high...

    2 - If the lag happens when I am sending recyclers to collect a rubble field, I know the click has been registered by the game, even though everything lags for a long time. I know this, because if I click 2 or 3 times again, when the page eventually loads, I have 2 or 3 sets of recyclers going to that rubble field.

    After mentioning this frustration on the boards a few times over the years (and getting told the problem is with my internet), my conclusion is that I just live too far from Germany. It seems this game is best played closer to Germany. My internet is fine. My location is just too far. When I play other games, I can check my ping on the server to see why the other players can shoot the hell out of me before I can react, and then I just shut down and watch youtube. But my Space Invasion addiction seems to be too strong.... I can't stop playing, even though I am incredibly frustrated....

    I think there could be two levels to this idea, one function of data storage and data access where it is only available to people with the spy assist, but also a manual capacity to store galaxy links so that clicking on it opens the galaxy view. Maybe a particular typed format that becomes a link?

    All in all, I find the new "look" fine, and I can see how some players like visuals, so good job.

    I really couldn't care about visuals, and unless someone gifts me huge amounts of urplasma, I would never spend money on a visual.

    BUT - performance!!! This is the foundation of this game. I have played for over a decade now, and I feel that I can do critical fleet movements within 3 seconds - as long as the game doesn't lag! So far, the new style seems to work well, and if performance has been improved, then I say WELL DONE!

    I can't help but feel that all the lag and error issues that spoil the game for me are not related to these visuals though, but possibly because I am playing from somewhere very far from the servers...

    One other thought, does this update stop the players from using their old cheat scripts? If so, then yay! Good job! Maybe that is where all the complaints on the update come from - they have to rewrite their cheat scripts... If some players can use scripts, then all players should have that as a built in function.

    Again, I like the update, but not because I think it looks pretty, rather just because I hope I don't have a 20 second delay after clicking some to start a fleet movement....

    if your enemy isnt really skilled or underestiminating you, your able to kill him with bomber when he is using the vacationmode

    The one area that stealths have proved useful is with vacation mode jumpers. People come out of VM for a few hours, then they go back into VM. A few days later, they log in to find they were attacked while in VM. This is because there are players with nice sized stealth fleets that send a slow attack against someone that has just come out of VM. When the player goes back into VM, they still haven't seen the stealths incoming yet. For this reason, always EF before activating VM....

    Yep, as I said above - but I didn't actually call it a 4th positive because the use is limited.

    Well, there are only three real benefits of the SB, but are these benefits really useful compared to the other negatives?

    Positive 1 - it is invisible to galaxy scanners. This means that if you fly a stealth only mission, you are invisible to someone watching on a scanner. This could be useful if flying around some asteroids. BUT - usually an attack will have some transmitters mixed in to carry resources, so they are visible to scanners, Anyone scanning an attack of transmitters that is slower than usual will immediately realise that there are stealths in that attack.

    Positive 2 - the target that you attack cannot see the stealth bombers for the first half of the flight time. Again, this benefit is lost if the attack has transmitters mixed in. Only a noob will look at a 25 transmitter attack coming without realising there are stealths in the mix.

    Positive 3 - stealths have a first strike capability against defenses. So before the battles begins, the stealths are allowed a first round of attack - but only against the defenses. Problem is that there are very few turtles. Most players have very little defense, and will rather defend by escape flight, or by using their own fleet to do a ninja. So first strikes aren't that great.

    Negatives - slow, expensive, soft. There are much better ships and strategies that make the positives of stealths almost irrelevant.

    The one area that stealths have proved useful is with vacation mode jumpers. People come out of VM for a few hours, then they go back into VM. A few days later, they log in to find they were attacked while in VM. This is because there are players with nice sized stealth fleets that send a slow attack against someone that has just come out of VM. When the player goes back into VM, they still haven't seen the stealths incoming yet. For this reason, always EF before activating VM....

    es ist auch eine ziemlich einmalige Einstellung wie man nicht SpaceInvasion spielt aber zu allem eine Meinung haben kann.

    I'm guessing this is directed at me...

    My apologies, but I have more than one board ID, and I deliberately separate my in game name to my board name for strategic reasons. I am considering ending this "strategy" as many players already know who I am in game.

    But still - I understand your concern, please be at ease, I play SI actively... but surely you can see who I am in game??

    EDIT - but I don't want to to detract from this discussion, so please delete this post if need be. :)

    I would say that I am not against players trading urplasma for resources, but it must be regulated. Why can I not ask for someone to give me 10 billion spice in trade for 10,000 pig iron? Well - there are rules that control the trade! (And common sense - only an idiot or a cheat would accept that trade!)

    So trading urplasma for resources is clearly a good strategy, but surely there must be rules!

    Do I have suggestions for what the rules should be? Sorry - not yet. I will think about it first.

    One extra question quickly. I have a small account in Genesis and have not really put any effort into it, but earlier today I was looking around the universe and noticed that in contrast to the overview of Genesis, there is at least one account with more than 3 astros. Is this a limit that has been changed as the accounts are being transferred to universes with no limits on astros?

    The Genesis Overview says:
    Here is the data-table for the new GeNeSIS² universe:
    speed: 4x
    fleet speed: 5x (min. Flight time 5 min)
    number of planets: 12 +2
    asteroids: maximum 3 (do not have to be requested!)
    planets per system: maximum 3

    Scheisse Arschkriecher kann keiner ab haben!

    The google translate for much of the discussion above is difficult to follow, but the translation for this sentence is very interesting:

    "Nobody can shit off their ass!"

    I really don't know how this discussion concluded now. I am amused and confused! :D :D :D :D

    I do not understand where the point lies. Does he want to attack with 12 million espionage probes in order to gain an advantage?

    Actually I don't think he wants to attack with probes lol, :P :P but he wants a fast attack choice with transmitters. At the moment, to launch an attack on a yellow, you need to click through to your fleet commands to choose transmitters and then launch an attack.

    All I am doing is trying to make sure that everyone understand each other here lol. I don't feel the need for such a function on the galaxy map.

    But just to be clear, he doesn't want to recycle with probes, or attack with spy probes lol. But yes, he is asking for a change to the galaxy map so attacks with transmitters can be done easier and faster.

    But I think it has been said before, soon there will be nothing left to do if everything is so convenient... but maybe I just don't see the need because I almost never attack inactives... I find it immeasurably boring to send attacks all day with no adrenaline...

    The second part of your question, with Recycler you can indeed attack, but it makes no sense and with spy probes attacking is not possible, so I do not understand your question.

    I think he wants a way to launch an attack with transmitters (probably on yellows) from the galaxy map - like you can launch spy and recycle missions from the galaxy map.

    From Dschibait's announcement:

    Quote from Dschibait

    On Friday the 11th of October will be starting 19 clock (CEST)
    the 4x production in the Nexus switched off

    So yes, it has been turned off too early! Man I miss that 4X boost!!!