I am against a fusion between RETRO and Genesis UNI, I will explain why.

    -First, Genesis was a uni with a speed multiplied by 3 where the players can have 20 planets and some players in this uni used a lot of urplasma to get huge advantage, like for exemple the first player in Genesis. I want to underline here that a fusion between a speed and a "normal" uni are not compatible, otherwise it would be unfair for the players playing on RETRO uni.

    -A fusion between RETRO and Genesis won't bring a lot of active players into RETRO, indeed you can take a look on the genesis general ranking, it's really heterogeneous, and the top 100 goes from 286 millions points to ... 3 millions !!! It means that this fusion won't bring more than 100 active players without considering that a not negligible amount of players in Genesis already have an account on RETRO.

    -To my opinion, this fusion will only bring several huge accounts from genesis to RETRO, but won't really help to fill with a lot of accounts the RETRO uni. These big accounts will now boost only their fleet + 14 of their 20 planets. They will choose to keep their best planets with roids and so the game won't be better for us, RETRO uni players.

    Conclusion: I think that the only solution to make the game active again is the following one:

    -RETRO, DEU and INT universes has to be regrouped in only one universe.

    Indeed DEU and INT have more active players and their points are a way more homogeneous + their accounts has grown in a classic universe (no universe speed increase, higher number of planets...).

    I agree with Peranakan, opening new universe isn't the solution, or not the only one...
    We should regroup the players remaining in the different universes, as it's said here

    Why don`t you quit playing in retro and begin in the universe you want ?
    Begin from 0 Points instead your multi million account.
    So you will have much fun and can fight,and fight,and fight.

    I actually began from 0 in the RETRO uni (on 2013-10-04), I fought, fought and fought and got more points than you who started playing 6 years earlier than me...
    If you are happy to play at that game without any other players, just play farm simulator, no a lot of differences...

    we have much work atm with the move of spaceinvasion (removing bigpoint) but
    As soon as everything has calmed down, we will continue with going to become a solution


    Now that you have less work and that almost everyone quit playing in the RETRO uni, would it be possible to get that solution ?
    If you guys don't want to do a fusion of universes with the biggest accounts of the retro uni, then we can allow only the accounts of the retro which has been created after the opening of this one (after 2011-11-12) or inflict penalties to the accounts created before the 2011-11-12 ?

    Hahaha, Ilay is a bad looser and it's understandable when we lose 150m fleet points...
    But anyway the interception was not that hard to do, he had a scan to help him...
    By the way Ilay, how did you know that And123's fleet was there, huh? maybe thanks to your "extrasensory abilities" ??... or maybe because your old teammate wanted to give you his fleet (fleet donation? :) )
    I won't say a lot about this, but it's not the first time that you recycled (or rather attempted) a big yellow russian fleet... (you guys don't remember that guy recycled by ilay with 25m fleet points? )
    If there's someone broking the rules between you two, I am not sure it's corsair ^^
    Don't say that I am a friend of him or whatever, that's untrue, some time ago he wished me to be banned

    Ilay wanted to get bigger by recycling his old teammate, but he finally lost more than he could get...
    Congratulations to corsair who actually created the most expensive roid of the game hahaha ;)

    Is there anything new about that "good solution" ?

    Can we know a little bit more about it please?

    Ok, well I had some doubts about it when i red the rules actually, because the rule #4 is called "account transfer" and it's talking about account donation, and not the transfer of accounts from bigpoint to bitmeup ^^

    thanks for your answer anyway


    I totally agree with Corsair, a fusion of universe (Retro/Ger/Int/rus) would create a second life to SI and will make the game interresting again.
    It would be really unfair for Retro players if only ger/int/rus unis get together...in this case I will maybe quit SI ...
    Space invasion (and so retro uni) definitely needs a BIG change, not only a "galaxy loop" ^^
    I hope that Game Admins will be nice and will understand what retro players really want.

    how "anyone" can "verify" this? This was an open post, all (also unregistered) can read this!

    Indeed, who can "verify" this ?
    Absolutely no one, so you can't prove he was aware about it... no proof=no punishment, nope??!!

    thats not right, he wrote coords where the main fleet is, so if you dont handle this, all pushings (with quittting the game) could be handled this way.

    "hey player A im player B will quit this game; you want to buy my fleet? 100$ nice one; write on the board that you will leave and i will destroy you" ...

    Do you really think that Triton would ask him to post that on the forum in that case ???
    If there would have been an agrement beetwen them, no one would have know about it...

    As I can see, all the same issues remain on that game:
    -Inactive GOS/Admins (instead of punishing players who are JUST playing the game, just DELETE the post of the dudz who stopped, no?)
    -Arbitrary BANS without any PROOF

    During that time, real cheaters who are getting fleets from their friends/cheaters using scripts to farm on 1354168413546341 inactives during one day are still RED.
    Anyway the game is dead, and that's not a bad thing when we see that...