So far it's not even able to log in and what to talk about any yet other problems,
    and as for you here do not complain ???

    twoja hipokryzja prakyror jest az do kwadratu zapomniales jak na starym swiecie banowaliscie nielegalnie graczy bo wam tak pasowalo i jeszcze się smialiscie ojej co się stało

    a teraz troche sparawiedliwosci za wasze przekręty i placzesz jak male dziecko i to jest wojownik ???? zachowujesz się jak maly chłopczyk co mu zabrali lizaka i placze w koncie

    in that game ida big money on the game, so silent about the prank speech
    So, and for each such prank should go implications compensation, punishment of the guilty

    to even want to know who and on whose order the account has got stuck and wants, and I demand that the case was explained in the first place

    I hope that the consequences will be incurred for this offense

    we have more as one admin, one is working on w1 another one on world 2 ... it takes some time that admin 1 can provide informations to admin 2 ...

    Admin 1 cannot lock also on world2 because he maybe plays there or he dont want to handle 2 worlds. (there are maybe some more reasons)

    so i think you will get your lock also there ;)

    even if you got banned in the world 2 I declare here that the plant you affair with extortion

    once again you do have any numbers but this time you do not donate