Viruses are honest creatures. Exist. They follow their course of life. They do not discriminate. They don't choose. They live.
    Humans. We are all different. Good and bad are the subject of countless books.

    Crisis and opportunity. The Chinese character is the same.
    Even at this time of crisis, we have to distinguish between opportunity and opportunism.
    Fortunately the owners of the game are civilized people. The opportunity in the crisis is used within reason. Take advantage of the confinement, provide a service to the community, try to sell more, without increasing prices. I agree. Confined people need distraction. Take the opportunity to grow and develop accounts. I agree too.
    Unconfined people will be harmed relatively. They will be less or not active. I don't see how to help them in these events. Fortune favors some over others. I accept it - it's life.
    I want to thank everyone who works to safeguard others.
    I ask everyone to forgive me. I am making a comparison with the great citizens of the world who sell masks and other necessities for fortunes. Opportunism. The human gender at its worst. :(


    A good improvement could be the map window.
    Why several maps? Detailed, overview and large. I really only use the large, tactical and wagon. Scroll is dificult on all.
    One easier and faster map window.
    Tactical and detailed join together. A zoomable map. Zoom in and out with mouse whell or lateral buttons.
    Maybe, also, a bigger and zoomable map for constrution wagon.

    SARS is here to stay. Many months.
    Confinement is not for everyone. Some of us need to work hard so others can be at home. Think about power and communications - even if you dont eat, drink or produce waste...
    Covid is here. Other viruses also. We are here. Some at home. Some strugling out there. Confinement will end for some and start for others.Earth is rotating. World is not finnishing.
    Let the game running as usual - fairer for all.

    If anyone finds my troop master please tell him that the death penalty has been commuted.
    He can return he is forgiven. It will even have a pay raise. ;)

    You can not buy new deeds of conquest when you have reached the limit of castles. Baldurs castle do not need deeds to conquer. So even after you reach the limit, you are able to take the special castles.

    In effect there is no limit to the amount of baldur castle you can get. That's why there is a limit on the use of the recrute button.

    Thats a bug repport I think

    Why not join a field with the player who share the repport?

    Some we know is the defender some we know is the attacker. With this field - player who upload the report - no doubts about.

    I don´t really understand what is the problem here...

    Someone reduces is military rank by demolishing castles and build new ones. That person is not using a bug or being unfair - He uses the algorithm to is favour - strategy! Or not. Demolishing big castles also reduces is hability to create troops.

    I dont really understand the problem. The algorithm is equal to all players - I supose. I supose developers tried it hard before implement. Everyone can try to understand the algorythm. Maybe we should forbid matematical regression knowledge also...

    Is this a war and strategy game or not?

    It is legal to put support in gray castles. All players (should) know that.
    Maybe this possibility should be denied - until then...
    Or shoud be stated who send the report to the hall of fame in this cases.

    most of these fights are in Top50 Ranks ... so why someone should do that?

    Rules and laws should be equal to all. The effect over anyone of us must be equal...
    Maybe not today but sometime in future this can be one issue to other ranks...

    Not a problem. The same all over again. Upgrade senate building.
    Senate 34 was needed - build until that level buy senators and demolish building
    Senate 42 was needed - build until that level buy senators and demolish building
    Senate 100 is needed? Not a problem.

    This is a strategy and war game. Or it was mended to be. Now it is what it is: patches over abandon over patches...
    Some people wants to fight, some people wants to stay the biggest, some people who wants a farming game, some people have enough of this, some people wants to stay way from problems, ...

    Its seems to me - my opinion - that all what happens is valid.
    Alliances Union attacks BR? - OK
    BR cant fight for themselfs and ask help? OK
    Alliances Union defend BR? OK

    This game is what it is! Join in one side or try to stay away.
    :)) this time BR CAN NOT do that :)) Stay way from big opponents and attacking little ones (EG1 style)

    In my opinion if Damoria team really want us to play dynamic but fair, better rethink these values,
    because I think now as an almost indestructible wall, it is a privilege for big players with money, who can stop secondary attacks of conquest under strong attack.;)

    ...seems a good business plan... :whistling:

    15.11.2014 (1487 days ago)

    I agree with many of the changes: The 120 castles. The certificates and their cost.
    I do not agree with the loss of looting in the attacks when there is a real battle. Resources are used and troops are lost.
    Conquering a castle and demolishing buildings 1 to 1 is time consuming. The castles have no market or are underdeveloped. It has to be increased before it can demolish. It is time consuming or expensive ...
    I agree with the rise of the merchants. But increased capacity is not enough. It should be bigger. 50 or 100x.

    Over time, I read in the forums, good ideas to improve the game. To start these are not bad but can and should improve.
    I admit that a balance between veterans and newbies, new and old customers is difficult at this point. Without dialogue it will not be possible.
    This game has been a long succession of neglect, bugs and patches. Errors are not mended with other errors ...

    15.11.2014 (1487 days ago) This era began
    Are these changes 1400 days overdue? Multies are older than this...

    Gifts are booked on the castle where we are working (when refresh).

    I got one of these (on a secondary castle) and the number of building spots did not increase. It is necessary to do something else in this case?

    Nordkleim 124 W1