Guten Morgen, ich habe den Eindruck, dass mein erster Planet abnormale Mengen von Rohstoffen produziert im Vergleich zu anderen, die definitiv umfangreicher sind


    Guten Abend, ich habe eine Frage

    von etwa 10 Tagen I-Faktor: x2
    Punkte: 158 438 225
    es ändert sich nicht und die numero uno hatsein Punktzahl um ca.6 Milionen

    Ist es ein Spielfehler?

    guten abend,
    ich habe den eindruck, dass für spieler über 100 millionen punkte mal 2 beschleunigungsfaktor sein sollten. Es gibt Spieler, die 6 Jahre lang in Fabriken investiert haben, was in der Anfangsphase des Spiels ziemlich schwierig ist, denn ohne die Flotte sind Sie ziemlich intensiven Angriffen ausgesetzt und jetzt sehen sie, wie andere an Stärke gewinnen und mit ihren Fabriken marginalisiert werden.


    dark angel think what you write is detached from reality t is not about reducing speed ap for weaker players it's about that the top 10 or better top 20 players have put in a hard job to achieve what they have now and for that they have no hungry bn, yes Dschi is talking about new players but ..... surely ??

    hello everyone, I agree with what you write, for players who have achieved something in this game, the factor of speed-up should be 2, now those who put in a huge amount of time and have more than 96.2 million points has a speed-up factor of 0.
    Not all of us have to be happy but think about those who are from 2012 are and play together, we can send attacks and so on, and so on and thus make up for relative losses but I think that this is not fair to old players.

    speed-up factor for all up 96,2(CURRENTLY)--



    Guten Abend, es ist ruhig in unserem Allianz-Chat, es ist sehr schade, dass es so endete, ich erinnere mich nicht an den Spieler, der im Laufe der Jahre so große Fortschritte gemacht hat, aber ich hoffe, dass Ares wieder zum Spiel kommt Für dich, beste Grüße


    I write the last time, I repeat the time needed to destroy it is 3 times greater than on other Uniwerum whether this game is for you or this game is for us and writing how many lines to shoot down is nonsense it's like you were playing a different game about that had the green concept .. please change this, we at uni 2 can play together and get along with all the alliances, if all players do not take part in the event, it should be a determinant for you, what should be improved, not write something about what he has no idea you should play actively then you would not make mistakes,

    I write the last time, I repeat the time needed to destroy it is 3 times greater than on other Uniwerum whether this game is for you or this game is for us and writing how many lines to shoot down is nonsense it's like you were playing a different game about that had the green concept .. please change this, we at uni 2 can play together and get along with all the alliances, if all players do not take part in the event, it should be a determinant for you, what should be improved, not write something about what he has no idea you should play actively then you would not make mistakes,

    hi all

    on other universes the time of shooting down is several seconds in us, about 1 minute, so please check it yourself

    reg fly

    good evening, I am asking you to check the difference between uni de and uni si.2.0 is colossal and the fact that we write for 2 weeks does not change anything, no one will take part if it takes more than 1 minute for me on another uni on the other uni it took me about 15 seconds, so 4 times less time, people write something :)

    reg fly

    hi all

    through all these events you did not do anything together with other players to collect the benefits together, but the benefits in the form of research were always welcome and you did nothing in this direction, you have to do something and not cry, it does not matter other alliances here must be played together in order to achieve a given result, but ... and so I personally think that the amount and time for the downing of these teddy bears is too big in proportion to the benefits

    reg fly

    Hi all

    on another universe, genesis 2, the amount to be shot down is much lower, it oscillates between 2 and 5 pieces per planet in our case, from 3 to 10 pieces


    reg fly

    und vielleicht alle Sendungen der gesamten Allianz zu prüfen, für den Ersatz von Rohstoffen von einem Spieler (20% für den Austausch) nach der letzten Event zu beantragen und wie können Sie 20 Millionen Punkte der Flotte in zwei Wochen machen, wo der letzte Angriff kam sechs Millionen Punkte auf dem Plus