There have been special star upgrades for the main castle in the past. So it is not a bug that the resent upgrades do not work in the main castle. I think a lot of players don't need main castle star upgrades anymore. Possibly the resent upgrades can be adjusted so that they can be used in all castles?

    If the banned players are removed from the ranking, it will be a big change in the game. Players will suddenly be in the top 50 that were not there before. It would be nice if this happens after a ceasefire so that every player can prepare for this change. Possibly after the Christmas peace is a bit too early?

    @Kampfsau, welchem unsportlichen verhalten?

    Welches unsportlichen verhalten fragen Sie? Ein N.A.P. unehrenhaft brechen und dan probieren zu kapitulieren, indem Sie Ihre Truppen zerstören, indem Sie die Burgen Ihrer Wahl niederreißen. Sie wissen wie jeder andere Spieler, dass die Kapitulation als Notmaßnahme gedacht ist und nicht, um sich ein halbes Jahr zu erholen. All dies auf Kosten von TvT, die Ihnen einen ehrenvollen N.A.P. angeboten hatte.

    Du verstößt gegen ein NAP, indem du einen unserer Spieler angreifst. Aber das ist nicht deine Schuld; Sie greifen eine Burg an, die voller UT-Truppen ist, und haben mehr Verluste als Ihr Gegner.
    Du beschwerst dich im Forum, dass wir dich nicht darüber informiert haben, dass das NAP gebrochen ist, unter meinem Beitrag, der dies meldet. Du bist derjenige, der nicht gemeldet hat, dass das NAP gebrochen wird.

    Dann beschweren Sie sich, dass ein Spieler in einem höheren militärischen Rang Sie angreift. Gemäß den Spielregeln kann dich dieser Spieler aber trotzdem angreifen. Aber das liegt wohl nicht an deiner (nicht so taktischen) Bauweise?

    Und anstatt ein diplomatisches Gespräch zu führen, schickst du deine Truppen auf eine Selbstmordmission zu meinen Schlössern, damit du kapitulieren kannst.

    Alles gut.

    Aber bitte sag hier im Forum nicht, dass die Folgen dieser Aktionen nicht deine Schuld sind.

    Ein NAP ist ein Nichtangriffspakt. Dieser ist gegenseitig. Mit deinem Angriff auf Faust hast du ihn gebrochen. Sie können nicht erwarten, dass wir Sie einer uns angreifen lassen, ohne selbst aktiv zu werden. Sie haben selbst das Forum gewählt, um mit uns zu kommunizieren. Dann solltest du dich nicht darüber beschweren, dass TVT den NAP über das Forum beendet hat.
    Wenn Sie aufgrund persönlicher Umstände mehr Zeit benötigen, müssen Sie diesmal selbst diplomatisch vorgehen: Wenden Sie sich i.g.m. an mich oder lassen Sie dies von Ihrem Allianz-Diplomaten tun.

    Liebe Scafloc.

    Wir freuen uns, dass Sie wieder voll am Spiel teilnehmen können. Der NAP wurde auch von unserer Seite aufgehoben. Viel Spaß beim Kämpfen!

    Text Der Angreifer hat kapituliert.

    Empfangen 2022-11-23 21:51:01

    Angreifer Scafloc

    Angreifer-Schloss #*AM²

    Verteidiger %Faust%

    Verteidiger-Schloss -zZS2. Kriegshymnenclan


    Kampfbeginn 0 0 500.000.000 0 0 10 500.000.000 0 0 0 0 0

    Kampfende 0 0 250.000.000 0 0 5 250.000.000 0 0 0 0 0

    Verluste 0 0 250.000.000 0 0 5 250.000.000 0 0 0 0 0

    Am Anfang bekommt jeder Spieler einige Truppen. Und sie sorgen dafür, dass man zunächst nur Speicher und Wohnraum bauen kann. Mit den Starterpaketen erhalten Sie eine Reihe von Gebäudestufen als Geschenk ( und nue truppen). Einige Spieler werden auch einen Master Builder gekauft haben, was den Bauprozess ebenfalls beschleunigt. Es ist also möglich, dass Spieler viel weiter vorne sind als Sie.

    Spieler, die bereits im Bauen fortgeschritten sind, haben oft ein Starter-Pakete gekauft. Aber auch sie müssen das Haus erst weiter ausbauen, weil sie mit diesem Paket auch Truppen erhalten.

    Du kannst die Banditen nur angreifen, wenn du Truppenplatz ausgebaut hast und das geht nur wenn du genug Wohnraum hast.

    The new world Venturia; is it a Is it a temporary world or will this world continue to exist next to "the crusades".

    Hallo scafloc,

    Zunächst einmal alles Gute für Ihr Kind. Zweitens gibt es in solchen Fällen Diplomatie zwischen Bündnissen. Es wird einen TvT Angriffsstopp für Ihre Burgen geben.

    viel kraft für Sie und Ihre Familie in diesen schwierigen Zeiten.

    Dear scafloc,

    First of all, best wishes to your child. Second, for cases like this, there is diplomacy between alliances. There will be an TvT attack stop for your castles.

    best of luck to you and your family in these difficult times.

    I really like this long crusade. I have the feeling that players who don't have an (multi) account that clears the way to a good field, can also get the maximum bonus this time.

    Such a shame that players can't see beyond their own game. If you'd read through the forum, you'd know that I've advocated moving your main castle more times than just after capitulation. And yes I have also asked for conditions on that move because it was abused.

    That's just how it works. There will be a possibility, that possibility will be abused, the possibility will be restricted and it will be examined whether the restriction can be less strict.

    So if you have substantive arguments then please, but keep the: "I couldn't do it when I wanted to, so someone else can't do it now either" arguments to yourself. They don't help to improve the game.
    I'm not interested in moving my main castle at the moment. Still, I think it's good for the game that this would somehow be possible without having to capitulate.

    The ability to move with your main castle is limited, as it was misused to "jump" and thus attack other players unexpectedly. Because of this, it is now only possible to move your main castle if you are capitulated.

    There are also other reasons for wanting to move with your main castle, than attacking an opponent. Reasons that may give you more fun in the game: Wanting to get away from a hostile or crowded environment, where you can't grow. Sit closer to friends, so you're safer.

    My suggestion: A player who would like to move, gives the player name and new coordinates here in the forum in a special topic. If no valid reason is given by other players, the main castle can be moved after 14 days. After the move the account can not attack or be attacked for another 14 days ( 14 days capitulated without the extra bonuses).

    I do foresee a problem here: If you conquer a gray castle, it is often difficult to defend it in the first few hours after the capture. Often these castles are recaptured a few more times by other players. Now if a player doesn't stop his attacks on an ex-grey castle in time, the original owner loses not only the castle but also the gems. You can return an incorrectly conquered castle. This is not possible with gemstones. They will be lost

    Good idea, to make a contest with prizes of attacking the bandit camps . But if you are not one of the prize winners, the motivation is a bit less. Even while you still get the loot. But to see what you got, you also have to open all those reports or do all attacks from the same castle. The number of the total loot doesn't speak to me. Is it possible to see a list of what you have already won in wood, stone, ore, diamonds, rubies and emeralds?

    I developed a new event type (beside the meat party for summer) what we want to try next - but if you have some nice ideas / wishes or some feedback to events, feel free to write that here :) just with feedback i can play some more stuff and also plan regular events.

    The noblemen and noblewomen were bored in the land of Damoria. They went in search of entertainment and searched town and country. And they found entertainment: The dancing bear, a fairground, a troubadour, a theater company, a magician and jugglers.

    The king who is lucky enough to find this amusement sees that a little distraction does the inhabitants of one of his castles good.

    During the weekend, several traveling companies appear in Damoria. You can invite them by sending your senator (with an armed escort) to the coordinates of the company. If your senator is the first to reach the party, you will get a reward. Some thing as: Your woodcutters are interested in the dancing bear and you get a full storehouse of wood. The jugglers would be good for an hour of extra resourcesspeed. A funfair keeps your residents in a good (productive) mood for a whole day and the theater company inspires twice as many young people to put their cross under an army contract for 3 days.

    After the invitation, the traveling company will reappear in another part of Damoria and will gladly accept new invitations .



    • Offizieller Beitrag

    Hello Damorians,

    Due to your suggestions, we have changed the following conditions:

    • A castle, which was taked over, can be attacked by all players on Damoria for 14 days
    • As soon as the owner of the castle retrieves this castle, the normal military restrictions apply to this player’s castle. All attacks launched (before the takeover) on this castle are carried out. :!: :!: :!: :!: :!:
    • Once a castle is held by a player for 14 days, he/she will be recognized as the new owner and the normal military restrictions apply
    • this does not affect the fact that the castle can be demolished after 2 or 7 days.

    With these changes we hope to offer you the opportunity to recapture lost castles through teamwork.

    best regards

    Your Damoria team

    It can't be because of the number of attacks you have sent to a target. I myself have had several draws on a target where I certainly didn't send 200 attacks. And I've seen several draws on a gray castle and you certainly don't send 200 attacks on that.

    See "help" "world statistic" Top players according to troops. Here you can see the max. of the attacking troops on this moment and the player sending them. Some strategies have been developed based on this information. I myself have not noticed that anything has changed here. ( Wish I had enough troops to notice this :P ) But I think Chemilla means that these days the returning troops are also counted and not just the attacking troops. As a result, the existing strategies no longer work well.