Hello everyone, I wanted to give my opinion of this event.
    First of all I like the change that has appeared in these new events, I am a supporter of gifts for the work of the players and not for the purchase of gold that favors those who spend more money in the game.
    In the second place, we have been waiting for a new event for a long time and there is a need for a small gift such as a few free lots, x2 resources or x2 troop production on the weekend. They are just some ideas.
    Regarding the event I would like that we could attack bandits castles more times or maybe we can attack the same bandit castle from other positions. It's another idea that comes to mind.
    Finally I think that launching 1000 attacks is hard work that requires a lot of time, I appreciate the prize, but in my opinion I think it would have been more fair to give away a Halloween castle with the same characteristics, not just an update.

    I congratulate you for the work and I urge you to continue on this path and keep the game more active with more events and opportunities to have fun.

    Greetings Raga.

    My opinion is that there are things that have improved the game but many things that have made the game worse.
    If I have to choose between "yes or no" my vote is No.

    Hello, it is very well received that we have x 2 Production of troops, but I think I should be accompanied in at least one x2 production of resources.
    We have the right mines to the level of resources that we spend and when it goes up like this it puts me in a negative production.
    I positively value x2 in troops but please request an increase in resources.
    A greeting.
    Thank you.

    @Dschibait I am adapting to this new strategy. Now I just hope that you make the same effort that I am doing and give us new updates that give more mobility to the resources generated by our castles.
    I just need time (in a strategy game this is not a problem) but I need to get more fields to be able to get a market at level 100 to be able to move large amounts of resources. Otherwise everything perfect.

    Seeing that the discussion opens again ...
    First of all, I'm glad to hear that Damoria's team is considering increasing the market and expanding the free fields (Maybe not the amount we would like), although many of us have complained (I the first of those who more times) It makes me very happy that has not fallen into oblivion.
    Many thanks above all to you @Dschibait that you hold us.

    Now friend @Dschibait, you will allow me to give you advice.
    In this update you have done several things wrong and we in the only place that we have to complain we do. Do not take it so seriously and accept criticism as something constructive. Try to bite your tongue and think things through before answering. Some answers are out of tune and seem very authoritarian. We translate our vision of the game as players.

    I have to tell you that it is not all negative, I really like this change that you have given to the game with the use of the merchant, it seems fantastic to be able to move resources with my merchant and I think it's great to fight to end the multis. I like the magician and some things from these Christmas events, but I think Damoria will be much better if we improve what is wrong and my colleagues are trying to tell you what things should be changed to make the game better.

    And to finish I want you to bear in mind that here we are people of different cultures and the language is also an inconvenience (I use the google translator) And sometimes the message does not arrive as it should, the communication fails between us.
    Here Raga to help in whatever is necessary

    LIke i said; you need to be active ... otherwise you didn't get these gifs.

    I looked into your log, on page 6 i found logs from november.
    So you have around 30*5 = 150 pages (not only gifts, also mages and other pay stuff) collected.
    At a 10% chance, you should have 15, you have 9 ... a but un lucky;
    But you can't expect to get gifts for inactivity.

    Okay, I'll leave the conversation closed.
    I understand what you explain to me.
    But I just wanted to move you, in my opinion ... Those awards are not enough.
    A greeting.

    You got also 330 fields for free ...
    so @RAGAYEL you have 60 normal castles means you have 5,5 fields per Castle for free.

    In 5 days I got 7 free fields of possible 50.
    I repeat again that you are not helping us to expand the market to level 100.
    I do not have fields available.
    I confirm my opinion even if you do not share it. You change the strategy of the game to get money.
    And you do not listen to our requests.
    I do not complain for pleasure but for necessity. I want to have a market large enough to be able to move my resources but you have me stuck because I do not have enough fields.
    A greeting.

    I do not say that I have not obtained anything.

    I'm just telling you that from my point of view you have not made it easy for us to get those 10 free fields every day.
    It seems that as the only one who speaks is I give everything for good. I do not want to seem heavy, I only complain, but the% of free fields in my opinion is low.
    In my alliance we have a group of wasap and nobody has got the 10 fields in one day and we are more than 100 members.
    A greeting.

    I have to dedicate one thing to Damoria's team:
    I like the work you have done with the magician, I value it positively.
    I do not like how you have planned to get the fields for free. It is impossible to get the 300 fields that you said.
    I play a lot of hours in the game and in several days I have only managed to get 2 free courses. I feel a bit cheated, because the probability that comes out is very low and nobody can be 24 hours playing.
    Here I leave my constructive criticism.

    Failure for Christmas to increase the production of resources.

    A greeting raga.

    Did you didn't plan to build markets at all ? Why you didn't want to help rookies with trades and not with attacks?

    Only words, no ideas to solve this; only accusations without reading the announcement (there are also many things for new players!)


    The game has been running for ten years and the market has never been useful. That's not my fault, but who developed the game, It was always more useful to exchange resources attacking us, among other things because it was legal and the game allowed it.
    You are the one who changes the rules.
    Give me tools to adapt to the game.
    I accept the changes I only ask you to help me with a more efficient market or more solar to build a market at level 100.
    You're thinking about a new damoria, I think it's fine.
    Listen to veteran players to make a better damoria.
    Do you want ideas?
    Copy Space Invasion trade
    Make the market a laboratory investigation that does not waste building lots.
    Make bigger castles.
    Lets build a warrior that can move resources from one castle to another as is the space invasion transmitter.
    Do you want more? It could be hours and hours.
    But please do not do anything that is under my modest opinion what you are doing now with these changes.

    Since you opened the thread I have not stopped giving you a proposal, you are the ones who insist on not changing.
    I accept the new rules.
    I accept that we can not attack each other to exchange resources.
    I agree that we will use the merchant as a means to move our resources.
    Now listen to me please:

    To move what a castle of mine produces approximately every day

    3,000,000 wood x 24 hours
    3,000,000 stone x24 hours
    3,000,000 ore x 24 hours

    9,000,000 x 24 = 216,000,000 resources

    with those 5 free lots that will give me damoria subire market 5

    Will you give me to move the resources of my castles to another bigger castle to make it grow?

    If you can not understand that, I think you think me stupid.

    I ask you please to take numbers and understand the problems that we are transferring to you.

    I hope you accept the criticism as something constructive.

    A greeting raga.

    Even though the Damoria team is only attacking our proposals, I'm still trying.

    So that we do not need 100 extra lots in all our castles to be able to adapt to the new changes, the market could become a special investigation within the alchemist, a trading technique that by raising it to level 20 would allow us to transport a significant amount of raw materials.

    It would allow us all to adapt to the new rules of the game without needing extra lots that at this stage of the game we do not have.

    100 solar more in each castle and free.
    Not now spend money on packages of 125 gold x 50 fields.
    It seems to me an advantage, you change the rules of the game to make money.
    If it's me, this game is going to end. I find it shameful.

    I understand you have to earn money, but not in this way.

    Ich erzähle dem Damoria Team natürlich viel wie das SpaceInvasion Team Probleme löst - den Ansatz finde ich auch ok; aber das Team hat dies nicht so gut gefunden.Ich werde das ganze nochmal in einem der nächsten Teammeetings erklären, aber Damoria ist Damoria und SpaceInvasion ist SpaceInvasion. Konsequent muss man sagen, das es dort auch Transportflüge gibt - und es dort den Transmitter als "Händler"-Truppe gibt. Durch die Definition des Transport-Flugs kannst du besser Scripte aufbauen, die anschließend hier auf Pushing prüfen.
    Bei Damoria ist alles "ein Angriff".


    Es wäre großartig, wenn Damorias Händler wie die Spaceinvasion-Sender arbeiten würden.
    Ich bin seit mehr als 5 Jahren in den Top 10 des Spiels und habe nur mit meinen eigenen Ressourcen gelebt, ohne jemanden anzugreifen.
    Das wäre eine großartige Idee.

    Ich habe gesehen, dass Sie auch Teil des Space Invasion-Teams sind.

    Basierend auf diesem Spiel ...
    Wäre es nicht fairer, ein System von Angriffen wie dieses Spiel einzurichten?
    Das Pushing ist mit der Schließung des Kontos verboten und sanktioniert.
    Handeln Sie mit einigen Regeln und wenn es legal ist, können Sie das Konto auch durch Sperren verlieren.
    Bei Angriffen nehmen Sie jedoch in 24 Stunden immer 50% und maximal 3 Angriffe.
    Wenn es Beweise gibt, dass der Spieler Multicuentas ist, sanktionieren Sie ihn.

    Denken Sie nicht, dass es eine gute Idee ist?

    Ich habe einen zweifel
    So profitieren Sie von diesem neuen Update.
    Wir könnten Autos für neue Schlösser starten und wenn nicht Eisschlösser werfen, beseitigen und Ihr Glück versuchen. Oder würde das nicht beeinflussen?

    Do not forget one thing, Urot friend, the small players will be as big as you are now and you will need more solar and a bigger market.
    It is just a matter of logic, move resources to the maximum level of storage.
    51,000,000,000 stone, mader, mineral
    We just ask for something logical. Being able to be self-sufficient in this new damoria.
    Solar for market level 100
    A useful market for all.


    The change will be effective if or not despite our complaints and suggestions.
    1. I can accept changes in attacks to avoid farms and multi-accounts. Although I would suggest that at least this percentage was not taken into account in disabled castles. Even more if there are lost troops. To at least have an incentive. For example more resources to more loss of troops.

    2.Changing the value of the castles when destroying it I do not share it although I see it as a good idea to get more resources by lowering a building level.
    I would leave some time to erase the castles we did not want before making the actual changes.

    3. The merchants, it will be a question of adapting, but I would like that the amount of resources to be moved was greater than at least 1 / 10,000 to be more practical and only among the own castles.
    I would also give more free lots to build Market level 100. With the Christmas events I'm not sure we can have sufficient suffixes to make market 100, especially the main castles that you only give 24 lots on 24/12.

    4. Finally I would try that all the changes that are made do not involve an excessive expenditure of gold, so as not to decompensate the game too much,

    What is your opinion?

    Zum Zeitpunkt des Waffenstillstands wäre es gut, Truppen zu bewegen und unsere Konten für nachfolgende Aktionen zu organisieren. Also kann man wenigstens nicht spielen und nicht in Damoria rein und nichts tun, einfach mal schauen und warten, bis die Zeit vergeht. Auch bei dieser Gelegenheit wurde uns keine Produktionssteigerung beschert.