It seems that everything we put Nato players is misinterpreted. Some players are so self-centered that they think we seek profit from war. Not everything boils down to that, what my colleague Mencey has commented is reasonable. I think we should not lose the essence of a medieval game.

    I put a link of 10 impregnable fortresses.

    Why do you think they built them?

    They also lost time and work to climb those walls to benefit from them.

    A player's troop scores are part of the calculation of his military rank. These calculations are not public, in order to avoid deliberate changes of military rank.

    Well, I don't understand that much secret.

    In spaceinvasion (your game) the classification by fleet is easy to calculate,

    I join the request for clarity in the data and be public for all.

    es ist ja dieser "harte" Cut, der gemacht wird damit die Top 50 einfach - nicht - save sind.

    Den kann man natürlich auch rausnehmen und einfach die restlichen +/- 50% Regelung nutzen. Dann muss man sich selbst überlegen ob man in die Reichweite von obigen will oder nicht - wer derzeit oben ist schaut aber gewaltig in die Röhre, weil er "nur" helfen kann und nicht mehr viel angreifen.

    Ich sehe derzeit noch ein Problem in Form von Support - große Spieler können kleine Supporten oder aber auch andersrum. Heißt Spieler Top50 können von Spielern > 50 einfach supportet werden ohne das diese ein gewaltiges Risiko tragen - das finde ich derzeit tatsächlich nicht so cool.

    In my humble opinion it seems to me a fairer rule for attack ranges than the current ones.

    Now we will all fight not to rise to the top 50 and that the fat ones attack us.

    This makes no sense.

    what exactly do you mean with "... that it gives the player the possibility that their empires does not fall" ... do you know the capitulations?

    I know the capitulations.

    But that is not the issue we are dealing with here.

    Maybe you're not complaining, maybe you're doing something worse.
    Fight to the end? The best you can do? With all allowable weapons? It looks normal and legitimate to me. Win or leave the land burned! I understand you and you have my support. (moral - no troops on the ground :P )
    But... if I lose I'll leave... Sorry, it seems like the worst blackmail. You managed to lose my support.

    Losing is part of the game - no one likes to lose but it is part of it!

    Damoria is a dynamic game, I hope it changes so that it gives the players the possibility that their empire does not fall for various bullies.

    I have my head very high.

    I have not been a bully with any player.

    There each one in his conscience.

    Nobody is crying here. I said it in the first message. that he did not come to cry.

    You are not being partial because the norm benefits you.

    I come here to talk about justice for the game.

    Raga, that is me, will fight to the end and will not give in to the enemy, I will lose every last soldier defending my castles.

    I will erase the last castle and leave nothing to the enemy.

    And if you don't believe me, ask your colleagues who are fighting with me.

    But when that happens he will leave and stop playing.

    Reflect on this topic.

    Yes. I don't like unfair behavior. But if someone acts unfairly and does not understand this and does not change behavior either, then unfair behavior must be punished with unfair behavior. This is exactly what is happening right now. In the TVT alliance, players from many different alliances have gathered. Not without reason. These players want to punish NATO / LGH and KN players for their unfair behavior in the past.

    Not all NATO players are unfair or have behaved unfairly. That’s a fact. But that's Damoria. This is a war game.

    Still, TVT makes a fair offer to all opponents. Anyone can capitulate at any time. TVT Alliance Leadership will decide whether the player accepts or rejects the surrender. If the surrender is accepted, then a fair offer is made to the player who wishes to surrender.

    A few wise words. I like to read your answer.

    yes I do not like injustices, I do not like bugtroops, bottroops and also not multiaccounts. But i can not see injustice in what you tell here. You want to compete but all be equall? That is not possible. There are those that have more money to buy things ingame, those that have more time to spent on the game, those that have a lot of friend that help him, Those that can play smarter and have good tactic insight. We can not be all equal

    Friend you contradict yourself

    No one has spoken here of a partner supporting you.

    What I present is totally different.

    A fair fight between two players alike.

    I take your answer for a yes.

    You agree that you do not like injustices.

    Than no fair war will be possible. I did not hear NATO complain when their, now black dot, top 10 players ( and all other nato players that wanted to join) attacked three players a few months ago to restore law and order in Damoria. :D At least you can be sure that the troops on your doorstep are bug and bot free.

    You just said it yourself, possibly that war was not fair, that is what we must avoid.

    I don't know what world you live in, Juflo. In these cases where the difference is so great, the only thing you can do is hide under the table.

    Your jojo partner has more catapults than me in my entire fleet, he only has to attack me castle to castle to destroy me.

    I ask the question again:

    You think it is fair?

    There a 7 TvT players in top 10 militairy rank : they can not all attack the 2 active nato players there. That would not be fair. Besides TvT is alliance no 2 and attacking alliance no 1.There are no bigger opponents.

    That is not the question.

    The game allows you to do more things.

    You are a player of my rank, a fight between you and me would be fair.

    What is happening is not fair to anyone.

    Hello, I bring this topic here to the forum for your opinion.

    I am raga Id 430 Spanish NATO player.

    Since the TVT truce started attacking us, I have had a fair dispute with colleagues of a similar military rank.

    Two days ago the JOJO player number two in the ranking started a fierce fight against my castles. I respect him and defend myself as best I can.

    But the question is:

    Does it seem like a fair fight?

    10.269.805.798 jojo - TVT

    1,882,482,383 raga - NATO

    Be careful, I don't come here to cry, I'm just looking for a fair balance.

    I will fight with them until my last soldier and remove all my castles if necessary.

    Greetings and happy new year to the Damorian community.

    If it were up to me, I would do as in spaceinvasion. I would give more importance to the fleet and avoid losing the castles. It is unfortunate enough to lose your troops like losing castles that take up a lot of time and work. This way you would avoid fewer leaks in the game.
    I understand many players do not share this strategy but it is my opinion.

    A great.

    Hello, I have received two awards for hitting two soccer games. Halberd has answered me and given the prizes but I see that I still have the same ones filled out.
    Anyway, the problem is that I had full of other events but I have discussed it with colleagues and they are in the same situation.
    Today I even spent two filling to see if they appeared to me but I still do not see them. I don't know if it's a mistake or I'm just very clumsy. I would appreciate if the team would please review it.
    Thanks. :P

    Raga world 1
    User ID 430