Die Passwort-Rücksetzoption ist einmal täglich möglich.

    Nachdem du hier immer mit dem maxi1959 frag ich mal so: hast du die Login/Rücksetz-Versuche in einem anderen Browser laufen? Ansonsten bist du vermutlich dauernd im gleichen Browser eingeloggt.

    Die Emails stimmen wohl. Ich habe den Post deaktiviert, er sichtbar für uns, aber für keinen anderen. Die persönlichen Daten solltest du nur über Konversationen (direkte Nachrichten) zu uns senden.

    Anleitung auf dem Board schreiben^^

    Aber ich kenne das Problem zu genüge. Versuch mal als GO helfende Links versenden... Kleiner Tip solange es nicht besser geht: lass die Punkte weg.

    Du wirst es nicht glauben, selbst als GOs sind wir von dem Ding genervt. Aber es ist egal, ist ja nicht so dass es unbekannt wäre, dass es Verbesserungspotential gibt, aber alles zu seiner Zeit. Eine entsprechende Lösung ist in Vorbereitung.

    Ehrlich gesagt schadet es manchen wirklich nicht mal darauf zu achten wie sie schreiben. Vielleicht hat das ja auch seine guten Seiten^^


    Perfektes Beispiel warum du in den Filter läufst.
    Die Leertaste ist nicht zum anschauen da^^

    Da in letzter Zeit viel los war sind evtl. Lösungen erst einmal hinten angestellt aber nicht vergessen.
    Inzwischen kann man auch versuchen einfach sauber zu tippen. Viele haben sich ja eh zu eigen gemacht Punkte und Satzzeichen allgemein zu ignorieren (schon vor diesem Filter)...

    The speed-up system is an feature planned by SpaceInvasion which shall make it possible for smaller players to get up faster.

    In conclusion it means that the player has to gather 1% of his points within 24 hours to trigger the speed bonus.
    That bonus will run for 24 hours. Within that 24 hours the player has the option to grind out the next speed bonus.
    The speed bonus will be active for research, buildings, defence and ship buildings as well as a multiple production.

    Q: How to calculate the "current factor"?
    A: The current factor will tell you in which range you are with your current points.
    Here you will find the speeds of the respective ranges which you can get:

    • Players which have less than 0.1% of the points compared to the first place: 5x speed
    • Players which have less than 0.5% of the points compared to the first place: 3x speed
    • Players which have less than 1% of the points compared to the first place: 2x speed

    Q: When can i start to gather the points?
    A: You can do at anytime. As soon the time for a collection interval ran
    up you can start immediately with the next. Please be aware that the
    next interval will be started once you are active. That means when you
    are offline you will get the chance later to collect the points!

    Q: There are not exactly 24 hours which i have as collection interval, why?
    A: The activation of the speed factor will be triggered by the points
    calculation to be sure that the condition is actually met. Therefore the
    time you have to collect will be round up to the next full hour. That
    means you will have at least 24 hours but 24 hours and 59 minutes at the

    Q: From when to when the speed bonus is active?
    A: The bonus will become active with the deadline of the points
    collection and the ending of the point calculation (assumed that you met
    the condition). Then the speed bonus is active for 24 hours. You won't
    need to be online on the activation or deactivation it happens
    automatically. Please be aware that all running items will not be speed
    up by that bonus, just following items will.

    Q: What is covered by that speed bonus?
    A: This bonus is similar to the bonus in a speed universe. Following items will take profit of it:

    • Resources production
    • Buildings
    • Ship buildings (fleet as well as defence)
    • Researches

    Please note that flights will be still with the single speed like any other player.

    Q: When i have a building running with the 5x speed but it will
    still take 2 hours and the time left for the bonus is 30 minutes will
    the bonus still count for the rest of the time?
    A: Yes, an active job with speed bonus will not be touched afterwards.
    If it started with 5x speed it will end with 5x speed. Queued production
    however will be calculated with the next speed on its beginning.

    Q: So i have an 5x resource production as well with that bonus
    but what happens once i win a multiple production through an event or
    inter-dimensional transmitter?
    A: That multiple production will be summed up. A short example:
    Base (1x) production: 1000 units
    Bonus (5x) production: 5000 units (4000 without base)
    Event (2x) production: 2000 units (1000 without base)

    So in fact you have a 6x production (5000-1000 + 2000-1000 + 1000 = 4000
    + 1000 +1000 = 6000 / within every bonus in the upper list you have the
    basic production as well).

    Q: Which players can no take part on that system?
    A: All players which are not actively playing, meaning inactives, players in vacation mode and banned ones.

    Also on the messages?
    Do not look in the settings, there it might be. But the time of the messages uses your timezone as well without having that special problem.

    Check your message times, if those are correct everything works fine.

    There was a problem where the timezone was not read correctly on certain circumstances, maybe it is back again. (it was in conjunction with the type of login)