Well, i just took a look (again) and they are still there. As said, they were not deleted and hey screenshots i can do too... but doesn't matter at all!

    I think we are facing something else here: simply a bug in the ticket/GO system. It just prevents that you can see these.

    There you go, make your screenshots to prove we deleted them... (yeap, that was sarcasam) :thumbup:

    There is nothing like deleting tickets. Maybe closed, but that is all.

    From what i've seen those are not to reply anyway. You may get an "thanks for the report" - not more. Results of investigations or information on bans/punishments are not given!

    hr habt vermutlich die Forensprache nur DE ausgewählt. Da dies ein EN-Thread ist wrid er nicht angezeigt. In euern Einstellungen könnt ihr das umstellen.

    I think you probably did not activate the complete speed-up then. It will give you even research bonus so you can catch up to larger guys. The tutorial is already somewhat old now and was one of the first things implemented. At least it will speed up things on the beginning and give you the opportunity to have build up some basic planet pretty fast. from there the speed-up will continue to work for you.
    The achievements are more or less "useless" but of course a nice thing to have.

    The old gui (just blue) still is in there. Although the new styles look good, it reminds you where the game started^^

    The latest thing are the mentoring points, giving alliances the opportunity to get some advatages for having new members integrated. Probably one of the best things done. You should check the short speed universes we sometimes start there you can check what you still know of SI :P

    Unfortunately not all problems could be solved (translation stuff, asteroids to mention the two large) but tbh with that old system....
    After all SI declared dead in 2011 (at the latest) and still online - must be something special about it

    Anyway, it is always nice to hear from old players from time to time :)

    Just like the other planet extensions it is a permanent thing (just look into the shop).

    board.spaceinvasion.info && si2forum.spaceinvasion.de

    Going through a little, note it is just how i see it, nothing final about anything:

    1.) it's kind of a blank - but since a real loss would involve gambling stuff it's done that way
    2.) we discussed about it already, there is no final thought about it
    3.) usless but if then only in new universes. it does not really matter with circle degree or not
    4.) rather not - SI1 is not made for that; if then only in new universes
    5.) see the discussions already made (which also involves mergin etc. - also it is kind of the problem cutting down systems or planets)
    6.) reason? no use for that
    7.) no, simply no -- delete the roid an make another astro shot if youi think it's too small
    8.) still confusion whether it's the "after-party" (the time-frame behin where you can still use the flowers etc but not collect anymore) end or the collection end -- tho shall read the announcements...
    9.) we have an overview about it, but additional winnings for those that have already most out of it? seems legit... (yeap, watch my name here...)
    10.) it'll getr annoying soon - rather not; using the same systems as achievements i doubt but of course it could be visualized like those
    11.) you have the coords suffix / visual - can't see a reason; beside on some positions it might work easier than on other to implement (simply the old problems in SI1)
    12.) what's being built is visible; the fleet(s) [depending if in flight also that's why the 's'] will clutter that overview; possibly another but i highly doubt it will look nice anyways
    13.) hell no, just collect it on you main (asteroid) :P
    this has been around a long time already, just read through the idea pool (also on the old board)
    14.) no reason for that: each planet, even with 70 fields will do the same job. mining, building or raid base already formed by the use of simply building it up the proper way for the purpose.

    people are already scared by the time you need for SI in order to be successful... oh and probably by it's "classic charme". although with the speed up system you can build up pretty speedy still you have to invest time in the flights and preparing attacks etc - not really casual like they want to have it nowadays.

    The "kill the roid" thing was tried and still people parked at home (while not EF-ing). So there is no difference in scary universe or not. Beside there are still other ways to intercept as we know. But that's what belongs to SI as well: being kicked and rebuild - but as said above it's again time you have to invest...

    You guys should search the boards about this. I think you may find relevant info on it...
    Don't forget there is an old board for both SIs since the formula is almost same it does not matter which board it's written.

    Guess that's enough information here..

    In dem Fall hat das nichts mit dem Inhalt der Nachricht zu tun (wie unser schöner 'Message deleted'), sondern in der Art und Weise wie das System verwendet wird. Daher sind die Schritte (klick hier, klick dort, das aufgerufen, das zu gemacht...) das ausschlaggebende.

    Normaler bekannter Ablauf ist ja:
    - Klick neue Nachricht bzw. Antworten
    - Schreiben der Nachricht (ggf. Betreff + Nachrricht)
    - Absenden

    Man kann nun natürlich im Hauptfenster rumklicken und was da dann zwischendrin abläuft könnte das Verhalten beeinflussen. Führt man das oben aus wie es da steht kann nix passieren, selbst mit Aktionen im Hauptfenster oder Gala-Karte kann fast nix passieren. Als GO schaue ich häufig noch Infos an oder kopiere sie zum Antworten und ich habe niemals bisher das ding ausgelöst. Ich kann es provozieren, aber das ist ja nicht Sinn und Zweck des Systems.

    Das Smartphone, gut das kann ich verstehen, da kommt ein wenig andere Handhabung ins Spiel (auch wie die technisch arbeiten). Am Rechner kann man es auslösen, aber es sollte nicht wirklich häufig passieren eher zufällig (wie gesagt, das sollte nicht einfach mal so auftauchen).

    Ein Screen bringt nicht viel. Wie der Bildschirm aussieht wissen wir. In dem Fall ist wichtiger was hat man vorher gemacht (und am besten ganz genau).

    Bei Jarkeld ist es relativ klar, er hat sozusagen ein abgelaufenes Fenster verwendet (durch das zurück drücken).

    Es gibt genau 2 Gründe warum diese Meldung auftaucht. Bei einer normalen Benutzung kann das eigentlich nicht wirklich passieren. Aufgrund der Tatsache, dass es einfach wäre das Teil auszuhebeln spare ich mir weitere Erklärungen.

    Interessant ist, dass nie jemand beschreibt wie er zu der Meldung gekommen ist.... Klar, der Prozess eine Msg abzusetzten ist nichts besonderes und geradezu trivial und dennoch würde man vermutlich recht schnell sehen warum. Die Meldung kann wirklich nicht einfach getriggert werden weil man "mal eben ne Nachricht schreibt".

    Ich kann mir eine technische Variante aus den Fingern saugen warum evtl. was schief gehen könnte dann gäbe es allerdings ziemlich wahrscheinlich noch andere Probleme - und dazu habe ich bisher keine Meldungen gesehen.

    The invisible flight could be a max of 24h which is 12h invisible then. That is the absolute max of invisibility. Since the last updates you are also not able (like before) to have longer flights at all.

    That kind of attacks is already very old. The option to save the fleet before going into VM is not too old.

    But there is no discussion about the kind of attack. It was never forbidden and completely legit. It is strategic behaviour nothing else.

    Obviously the battle was sent before the VM so it is an usual attack that is possible.

    For that reason we introduced the option to go into VM with an active escape flight some time ago.

    It's all legit.

    Die Nachricht kommt nur unter bestimmten Umständen.
    Es ist eine Maßnahme zur Bot-/Spamprävention, verwendet man das Nachrichtensystem ganz normal sollte das nicht kommen.

    1) ja man muss auf den richtigen "Quadraten" laufen
    2) egal, die Chance auf Kampf/Art Mebuli wird mit jedem Schritt berechnet; ob der server zu bestimmten Zeiten schlecht gelaunt ist kann ich nicht beantworten;
    3) keine Ahnung - da muss jemand anderes Antworten