need the same for gems. The number and percentage of filling. overview of all castles.

    нужно тоже самое для драгоценных камней. Количество и процент заполнения. обзор по всем замкам.

    it is necessary to add - units of all participated in the fight. Name / Coordinates for the gray castle

    необходимо добавить - юнитов всего участвовало в бое. Имя/координаты для серого замка

    I have reports from most grays ... as a protector. I can publish.

    я имею отчеты от большинства серых... как защитник. могу публиковать.

    is there a sufficient control on multi-account players?
    in the last days more and more attacks are come on my screen, as i can follow this is done by 1 player!
    the sequence of the attacks imported show to me that can only be 1 player making attacks, log out go on it's other account and making attacks again! there has not been 1 moment that 2 attacks from different accounts were activated!
    all account have a main HQ and a few side castels and come from different alliances.
    As i see it i am betraited by damoria-programmers to show my strength and my concour-abilty by giving me a certain rating through a green dot behind my notification in the players-list!

    I will inform the players who attack you. I will ask them to send simultaneous attacks today and tomorrow at 22 or 23 MSK time.

    я сообщу игрокам , которые тебя атакуют. попрошу их отправить одновременно атаки сегодня и завтра в 22 или 23 МСК тиме

    A group of Russian players conducts combat exercises. goals - combat rallying, testing the wall. without panic. :)

    группа русских игроков проводит боевые учения. цели - боевое сплачивание, тестирование стены. без паники.

    I have not fought for a long time and I have surplus gems. I would like to translate them to war parties, in order to maintain a good war. 50,000 LJ diamonds and 50,000 NATO rubies. Help me do this.

    Я давно не воевал и у меня появились излишки драгоценных камней. Я хотел бы их перевести вооющим сторонам, для поддержания хорошей войны. 50000 алмазов ЖЖ и 50000 рубинов НАТО. Помогите мне это сделать.

    Why did some players get a premium for 48 hours yesterday and some for no !!! ???

    Почему некоторые игроки вчера получили премиум на 48 часов, а некоторые нет!!!???

    There is a big war going on between the biggest aggressor in the game and 2 big alliances.
    War was started by the biggest aggressor (and their 5 union alliances) in the game against a small alliance.
    Now after 2 weeks fighting it is clear this biggest aggressor in the game is going to loose the war.
    And exactly at this point Admins think they need to change the rules which now are all in favor of the biggest agressor in the game.

    Damoria Team is beneficial for the war to last forever! They, like everyone else in the game, knew that the war would soon begin. For this and it was released - Troop- and Capitulation-Update
    Jan 19th 2019

    Дамориа Теам выгодно чтобы война длилась вечно! Они, как и все в игре, знали что война скоро начнется. Для этого и было выпущено - Troop- and Capitulation-Update
    Jan 19th 2019

    About the money - I agree. On the wall - I saw this in the last wars with the Russians even on GE2

    Про деньги - согласен. О стене - я такое видел в последних войнах с русскими еще на ГЕ2

    darioboss are accounts from jendrez

    I am not a supporter or opponent of Polish players. But. The probability of this is <10%.

    я не сторонник и не противник Польских игроков. Но. Вероятность этого < 10%.


    When will be removed forever blocked players ??? They promised in January 2019.
    When will gray castles be removed = 0 points ???

    Когда будут удалены навечно заблокированные игроки??? Обещали в январе 2019.
    Когда будут удалены серые замки = 0 очков???

    "An attack will now only be possible:

    • if you and the target player are in the top 50 or
    • if the player is in the same alliance as you or
    • if the player has 50% more or less of your Military Strength"

    Part of the players of my alliance is a red circle. I can not attack. Why? Eternal ban?

    Часть игроков моего альянса - красный кружок. Я не могу атаковать. Почему? Вечный бан?