Hello loulman,

    Do you know that you are still ahead of me in the Guards ranking? That you were ahead in the 20s and 30s levels? You had the better items, of course they also had the higher levels, but my knights were better trained.

    In the last few seasons we were both leading the guard, sometimes you were ahead, sometimes I was, depending on who had the better items. At the moment it seems to be me, but that can change quickly.

    We are the only two who have already reached lvl 50. If a total of 1600 items are out at this level and I have 900 of them, then you have 700 - a noticeable difference, but not an extreme one. You still beat me in the semi-finals on Tuesday. The gap isn't that big, even if my knights were great yesterday, it was more of a coincidence factor.

    There was a time this season when I wondered how you did it, you leveled faster than me. I asked myself what I could perhaps do better, tried it out and was able to keep the distance.


    My best Horse (Eshus) is still level 44, too. And i still have blessings and horses in the 30s level in use, too.

    If you use a storage extension, nothing actually happens at first. However, you can now initiate the construction of level 101, assuming of course you have the necessary resources and a free building site.

    So far, I don't think there's anything wrong with the algorithm for selecting opponents.

    When you have a wildcard round, that means that there is a odd value of players or you are the only one with these amount of wins. 2nd case is the nice one, there you don't need points anymore.

    You also get a wildcard if you are the only one without any win. So the 2nd case is not so nice everytime. :saint:

    Ich bin mir zwar ziemlich sicher, dass die Rohstoffsterne, die ich in mein Hs gesteckt hatte, ganz normale Boni waren und kein extra Gold gekostet haben, ist aber auch egal.


    There is no suitable answer for me.

    I now have several storage extensions, but I know that I will use them all. They are also not so easy to get, if you want them you have to do something for them. I think it's just right the way it is.

    what do the damoria team and players think about it???

    I have no idea what to do with another mage castle.

    I can't do anything with Treasure refills. Gems are only needed for healing.

    I can only speak for The Crusades, but we're all sitting on our troops, there are far too many troops in the world. Healing more of them makes no sense. It won't lead to more activity either, because the problem in world 1 is the alliance structure (one dominant alliance) and not the fear of losing troops.

    What I need are resource star upgrades that I can also use again in the main castle.

    Since you can convert a special (gold) castle into an amber castle, an amber castle can have a larger storage than a normal castle.

    So this ensures that one storage fill only fills a maximum of one level 100 storage.

    Am 19. April 2021 hieß es:

    Genau :) die Qualifikationstabelle + 50 wenn du in die Finalrunden kommst.
    Wir rechnen (mit absicht) das Ranking im Finale ja nicht weiter.

    Es kommt also drauf an wie gut du in den Vorrunden abschneidest - und das Finale ist dann egal. Das ist erstmal eine erste Version; da gibts natürlich viele Möglichkeiten wie man sowas aufbauen könnte. Vielleicht habt ihr ja auch noch ein paar die ihr hier erklären wollt ? :)

    Und aus meiner Erfahrung darf ich behaupten, das letzteres simmt. Wieviel Ruhm ich kriege wird ausschließlich durch mein Abschneiden in der Qualifikation bestimmt. Im Finale gibt es für den Sieg 0 Ruhm, nicht 8.

    Then I hope that the new season will start soon. Otherwise it will be boring.

    I know why I stay away from the market. I have nothing to gain there. I don't know what to do with my Thalers. But it was once planned to create opportunities for that. That would certainly reduce the temptation to use them unfairly.

    Also die Abstufung die du hier erfragst ist bereits umgesetzt.

    Das ist denke ich nicht das was gemeint ist.

    Es geht darum das nach der Qualifikation nur noch für die Ehre gekämpft wird, es in den Finalrunden keine Belohnung für das Erreichen von Halbfinale, Finale oder den Sieg gibt.

    Die Werte des Bonus wurden in späteren Updates angepasst. Das Prinzip der Bonusvergabe ist jedoch gleich geblieben:

    Wenn die Werte angepaßt wurden sollte das im FAQ beitrag auch erwähnt werden. Habe eine Weile geglaubt ich müßte einen Bug melden, weil ich nach den Daten keinen Rohstoffbonus mehr bekommen dürfte, mir aber einer angezeigt wird.