in the description of the particle analyzer it mentions "Just recently it was discovered that this concentrated form of energy can also be utilized to make teleportation possible by bending space and creating a wormhole".

    my question, does this in any way have an impact on teleportation? if so is it a research worth doing past level 5?

    thank you

    KagujaChisei abfangen ohne astro kann nicht jeder und da brauch man mindestens drei spieler für. und mit dem raiden finden ich den schutz schon zuviel.

    in meinem punkt zumindest gehst dadrum das mit dem alten AZ system in einem älteren universum wird es ein punkt geben wo überall astros sind das heist das nach 2mio punkten wist du immer im scanner bereich sein. und ich will gerne wissen wie man lernen kan zu wissen aub jemand scanned ohne die online zeiten zu wissen.

    also wird es ein punkt geben wo neue spieler keine chance haben es sei den grössere lassen sie inruh.

    und nur um klar zu sein ich bin gegen jeden schutz, aber wenn mann neu dazu bringen will dan muss man was gegen astros überall machen weil sonst wird das gleiche problem auf alle universum irgendwann treffen, astros überall

    Das Hauptproblem sehe ich in den möglichen Abfängen von Flotten kleinerer Spieler.

    das problem denke ich auch wird neue spieler abschrecken egal in welchen universum. das problem mit dem abfangen ist ja nicht unbedingt das ein grÖsserer es kann sonder um so länger das universum leuft um so mehr astroids. besonders weil man kann die sich ja schiessen lassen dadurch in dem altem system nach 2 mio punkten oder so bist du fast überall im scanner bereich und dadurch hat man keine chance. dazu zu sagen das man lernen muss wie man damit umgeht ist dumm, weil es sei den man weiss die online zeiten von anderen gibt es nur die möglich keit zu fliegen und hoffen oder nicht zu fliegen. damit sidn die AZ ein riesiges problem.

    ich finde das neue system in sirius sehr gut. mann sollte immer in einer gruppe sein wo man nicht unbedingt der grösste ist. aber ich denk auch das wenn mann mit den insgesamt punkten in der top 100 ist sollten all top 100 alle top 100 anfliegen können.

    wenn man nach oben will muss es irgendwann ein zeit punkt geben won man kein schutz mehr hat. und 100 spieler sollte man auch den astros ausweichen können. dafür ist das universum gross genug

    sorry if my German is not fully correct and I hope it all makes sense, my English is much better


    so my issue is that currently I have a speed up bonus of x3 as you can see in the top left corner of image.

    but in economy it only applies a x2 as a speed up bonus, this is also shown at the bottom of the image.

    is this correct or should it not be x3 in economy as well???

    User ID: 5298

    universe: Sirius

    i think its because in upper ranks of the game its almost all personal at this stage due to the players playing for so long.

    this then has killed the actual flare of the game.

    it doesn't really seem like the game is actively played anymore and become more of a button clicker for the top with everyone nearly set on how the ranking is.

    new players coming in don't even learn most parts of the game as they don't have too and easily get to 10million points, but they have not learned the core fundamental of the game.

    so basically to even make it exciting for people who don't know the game and come into it, it needs to become more active by everyone people need to raid and teach smaller players to raid.

    and most importantly save flight.

    then if you want to be a miner people need to be thought the concept of hiding behind a wall, building up ress so as you go further up and you can proportionately continue to have a balanced wall to your points.

    but for me after coming back from like 10 years of not playing this game, these are the main things I have noticed. the top is playing their own game. its become personal on so many levels over the years. new players don't actually get thought the core concepts of the game as getting to 10 million is not a hard task if you build everything. so the mentoring program ends faster then you can teach. therefor older players don't invest the time as heavy into new players.

    and then on top of all that there is a huge amount of aggression in this game.

    its like people forgot its a game.

    sorry for the long post but that's my 2 cents to this matter

    oh ok thank you... no nothing illegal happened I just didn't notice that the invasion counter stays the same.

    and just the battle reports leave.

    thank you as always quick and precise

    Hi all,

    so when there is a war/invasions and you land a hit on someone, how come if they leave the alliance afterwards it doesn't count towards the invasion score anymore?

    this seems really silly to me and kind of unfair for the people who do the hitting it also is an easy way to make a war seem really pointless.

    also vice versa if lets say I hit someone and the next day join an alliance my hit will get added to the war this should not really be although I get it more than the other way.

    what I'm saying shouldn't the hits made during the war just stay in the invasion score sheet regardless if they leave the alliance after and the hits made before people joined an alliance shouldn't really count towards the alliance war score.

    is there a reason for this I may not know of or think off?

    you mean like share this report then copy link and send in alliance message?

    or is there another way?

    what we want is an alliance hall of fame, which si-master provides.

    all you have to do is change universe to German language and si-master to German language while importing battle reports then after you change both back to English and si-master converts them to English then as well.


    does anyone know how to upload battle reports from Sirius into si-master.

    is there something other you have to do then copy and paste it it.

    its not working for me and we would like to make an alliance hall of fame.

    thanks for all tips
