89 people have seen this post since i posted my last comment and not one could answer the freaking question.

    well done !! such a great place to find answers

    So, if it goes inactive, will it re-activate itself once you hit that 1% mark ?? ...for example, what if you have been inactive for a few hours... will it turn back on when you cross that threshold again ?

    Since no one wanted to answer me in the other thread, I thought I'd ask here..

    I used to know this, but I can't remember.. and this forum takes me nowhere when I try to search for the information.

    Could someone tell me how the points are calculated, please ?

    I used to this, but I can't remember.. and this forum takes me nowhere when I try to search for the information.

    Could someone tell me how the points are calculated, please ?

    So, I have achieved in getting the 10x production for 24 hours. My question is... do I have to use it before the 10th of Jan. 2021 ? ...or am I able to hold on to it to use later ?

    Also.. I have lots of questions about Sirus uni, but I can't find half the answers in this forum. That universe has a lot of different attributes I've never seen before.. and the only information I've found is on the Tunneling System. The rest of the new features make no sense to me. So, if you could guide me to the right place in the forum to ask questions about that.. OR... hopefully, all these new attributes have a written description somewhere in here :l

    you need to read the instructions))) on the forum everything is written about speed :P

    even after reading them, i had no idea what they were saying. it may sound good in your language, but in English it was very, very confusing. in fact, after reading the instruction, just recently, i didn't understand... but i figured it out through time.

    well))) everything was correct and it was)))
    you had the wrong development of your account that's why you are suffering now !!!

    no, it wasn't correct before. but it started working shortly before my last comment on this post in here.

    and i'm adjusting. it was never clear WHEN the 100x speed increase would end. so yeah, it's causing me to adjust. i'll be okay ;)

    I've tried them all and I don't see any difference in the production. I know the outcome of this, just the same... but no, they don't work.

    as i said in my original post... i knew the outcome of this thread. i know this game better than you think.. as i would not judge my time in this game from the creation of this specific account ;) i've been known by many names in this game throughout the years & i know it well. i also know how the poor treatment of players in this game is why the game has almost died.

    so, i know many things... also, i know how math works when calculated with time. that's how i know how to perform blind intercepts ;)

    so, let's not pretend i don't know what i'm talking about. anyways..

    nonetheless, i knew the final response would be this. but it had to be said, anyways

    Yeah i think thats the problem;

    a double production dosn't doubled your speed up ... anything is additive not multiplied!

    so +100% from event and +100% from normal production and +5000% means 5200% not - ehm - whatever 10k+%

    i have purchased another 2x production again so that you can see it. The mines will say it's doing the work... but when i watch the actual production, there is no difference as the hours pass by from when i don't have 2x production.

    so, either it's just a complete waste and a scam or you don't care. Either option doesn't seem very cool

    You have no multi production enabled - did you see that the multi prodd was put into your multi production storage ?

    When activating, the 5000% in the economy window will be increased, so you will see a increased production finally.

    when you checked it, it's true.. i did not have it on at that time. i've wasted some of my gifts on these. but i have used it various times and i see no difference. i see the 5000% in the mines production table.. but i don't see it in the actually mining production.

    i wish that made sense to me... but i have no idea what that means, i'm sorry.

    i was getting 100% speed up since i started.. and continued to get that IF i maintained a 1% growth per day. I have accomplished this goal everyday... and now it has changed. And I don't see any announcement on the SI board about such a change.