Guten Abend,

    wer kann sich noch erinnern?

    An die Allianzen Phönix, TOD das alte KDH....

    An die alten Bündnisse Die Tafelrunde, an VA Vereinigte Allianzen von Damoria, an die mächtigen Tyraniden Krieger...

    An Ehrenvolle Spieler wie Zody, Lord of KdH.....

    An die nicht so Ehrenvollen Spieler wie Ritter von Wittelsbach, Leschik.....

    An ein Funktionierendes Damoria Forum aus der alten Deutschland Welt denn Alten Welten 1 und 2.....

    Vielleicht gibt es ja außer mir immer noch Spieler die gerne an Stundenlange Skype treffen zurückdenken...

    Es wäre sehr schön wenn sich ein paar von Euch melden würden und es uns möglich wäre an alte Zeiten bissl anzuknüpfen.

    Liebe Grüsse


    OK for the future a suggestion if you want a more active forum a message box in the game would be useful to indicate there is a new post.

    All messages no matter whether within the alliance (not PN) or in the forum are not to be seen in the game and since people are lazy, no one looks.

    All in all, I am glad that you are more concerned about how it was under BP. Dschibait should actually know what I mean he has been around long enough.
    As I said, I will stay for a while and try to find old friends and old game "enemies". All in all, I'm going to put your effort into the redesign, e.g. the graphics (I personally always found the old one nicer), an attack regulation that protects new and small players from big ones (the question is also whether there should be troops in millions in a middle age game).

    There were old suggestions under BP more than enough, unfortunately nothing was done at the time, I hope for you now, then Damoria can become my number 1 game again.

    Hy Halberd,

    sry was my mistake, of course I meant BP and yes you are right I have played Damoria for many years and I love it very much, unfortunately the game doesn't seem to work anymore.

    Of course it would be great if that were changed again, I never thought it would be a good idea to merge the worlds. Unfortunately, at least Welt2 has now died so that this would probably be the last change.

    However, you have to pay attention to balanced conditions. What shouldn't be easy, the disadvantage of a game without end is and remains that new ones become victims very quickly I hope you take a look at old suggestions, e.g. Attack harbinger Overpowering player.

    Now I'm going to watch this and wait for the first time, I'll play both worlds.

    As far as the forum is concerned, I was never in agreement with the mods: D the "very old" forum was a communication place, e.g. with declarations of war and agreements between alliances ...
    Today, the Forum Dead is, for me, an important part of what was once Damoria's charm.


    What a great and so new idea :) BB has tried several times and to no avail to put the worlds together. You are further on one point most active players have long since lost confidence in you and have given up.

    So there should hardly be any resistance, so it could work out whether this will save the game ... may be doubted.

    Somehow you haven't learned anything at all in recent years and still stick to the wrong solutions.

    Well I hope it is a miracle and you convince me otherwise, I would be happy. Because Damoria is actually a good game.

    Only to inform you: team read this, and we think about it. At this moment a move for any castle could be possible, but only in an truce time frame - not in a regular "play" .

    @german players:
    Das ist ein englischer Thread - ich habe keine Ahnung warum ihr hier in deutsch anfangt zu schreiben. Finde ich wirklich nicht gut - nächstes mal lösche ich die Beiträge kommentarlos!

    You exaggerate, maybe there are players who are not so good at English.

    However, the kind of moderation reminds me of the "good old days". BB was also somewhat narrow-minded in such matters.

    *Gegründet vor vielen Jahren auf der Deutschland Welt durch King of KDH und Lord of KDH*

    Unvergessliche Helden der Allianz

    IRC Honor

    und viele mehr

    Nunmehr ruft das Königreich der Himmel seine Ritter erneut zur Fahne.

    Da kommt man nach vielen Jahren nochmal hier hierher und findet das KDH immer noch aktiv. 8)

    Freud mich natürlich nur den Namen eines alten Verräters sprich Leschik <X hätte ich nicht gebraucht.

    Black Angel das geht mir mit Leschik auch so Verräter vergesse ich nicht