Flying a flag as you put it doesn't matter, any flag can be chosen...whether it be your home country, a country that you speak the language of or just a country you like.

    I wouldn't say it gives the appearance of favouring certain players or alliances, well in my opinion it doesn't.

    Yes it's true that Alliance Attacks only work from an asteroid. Also here's the specific rule concerning them...

    § 8.3 Alliance Attack(AA)
    The rules for normal attacks also applies for an alliance attack. Furthermore the AA has to be launched or cancelled within 36 hours after the planning phase has been initiated.

    AA-participants may not enter vacation mode nor leave the alliance until their fleet has returned. An AA can only be started with at least two participants. Dividing the debris field will be in proportion to the fleets sent. (for example: player A has sent 1 million fleetpoints and player B 2 million fleetpoints, thus Player A will get respectively 33,3% and Player B 66.6% of the debris field). Deviations must comply with the pushing rule (see § 6 Pushing)
    Using the alliance attack option to escape flight will be considered as bugusing.

    this is a way we could go, but we decide to "test" this spice overview here; im not sure if the community like a point change which exists since 12 years.

    Thank you for the response Dschi.

    As well as this testing time, would it not be prudent to ask the community whether a separate rank or an updated ranking system to include Spice costs would be preferred?

    Obviously my opinion would be for it to be integrated, I'd be curious to see how a poll/vote would go, if you would allow one.

    We have discussed this as team and cant see it being a good idea to change the calcuatation of points and add spice to this calculation. Maybe this will come in new universes.
    Rather then asking pointless questions maybe just be happy about new stuff and the game not being abandoned?

    I am always happy to see this game or any game infact not being abandoned with new things brought in. My opinion is simply if you're going to add to the game in such a way, then why not streamline the improvement completely into the game rather than what is effectively in this case adding something on.

    I understand that for the last 12 years Spice cost hasn't been counted for points, whether buildings, research, fleet. My meaning behind my question is; why not recalculate points in those ranks to include Spice costs rather than create a whole new rank?

    You know, my research had just finished, the page refreshed and then there was all the res. I was thinking it was an odd reward for finishing some random research lol

    Hopefully there will be a server restore point somewhat close to before it all went to hell.

    So a bug just maxed my warehouses nice as it was to see.

    Thing is I'd hate to be that guy but...can I get the res I actually had back please...fleets are grounded, building and research are non existant.

    Yes I'm sure it's the same for everyone.

    So your idea, let's see...

    You want players who have already been attacked, potentially had resources taken and fleet destroyed, to "suffer" even more with this so called 'Energy Depletion.'

    Even adding in your 2-2.5% energy regeneration rate, that's 4-5 hours of reduced production, again, after losing what could be a days worth of gathering resources whether it be from mines or farming inactives.

    It is true that players can only be attacked 3 times in a 24 hour period. Now factoring in your energy regeneration rates with the best factor proposed, here's a hypothetical one for you:

    So I'm attacked by the same player 3 times in 24 hours, just for fun they like to attack every 8 hours based on my production or on that alone my planet only produces resources from mines at standard rates for 12 hours in a 24 hour period.

    Now this guy has a friend who wants to do the same thing, so they coordinate their attacks...

    • Player A attacks at 00:00:00
    • Player B attacks at 04:00:00
    • Player A attacks at 08:00:00
    • Player B attacks at 12:00:00
    • Player A attacks at 16:00:00
    • Player B attacks at 20:00:00

    Again this is completely hypothetical but still can be done with the right players and online times.

    Using your proposed idea, said attacked players planet would be at a constant reduced production rate. Now this could be done on every planet a player has if coordinated correctly...

    This could be used to wipe small players out entirely after they leave the 10,000 point protection, especially if they're completely new/have no experience of the game.

    I'm sorry but I don't see a way that this could be implemented into the game as it stands. I don't even see a way to make it more balanced to help out attacked players, including increasing the rate of energy return.

    Now a little side note: After presenting an idea, yes other players will shoot it down and outright just say no. However it is your job to defend and adapt said idea for it to be a balanced one/viable for game implementation.

    New account, old player here...

    If this added anything substantial to the game then maybe it would be worth the text used to display it on the screen.

    However it adds exactly nothing to gameplay in any shape or just screams "Hey I'm sitting on lots of res, come at me bro"

    Why does the amount of eggs for the last bonus keep increasing by 200? Can't exactly end a race if the finish line keeps moving...

    Edit: Nevermind, we figured it out