    First of all, thanks Toadie for your kind answer , but you have not convince me at all . Big ang little players do not lost anything , only zeros. Any way, is your point of view.
    In other hand, You said" I see no reason to enlarge the map , really don,t see any reason? . May be when this word began it was enough, but now , more players have castles in others continents and it,s impossible to see nothing. It,s your View.
    Thanks .

    Hello ,
    I give you a suggestion , please deleted zeros in points and troops , is wasted time work with these figures. Billions points and troops in a game from middle age? . Thanks in advance.
    Another suggestion, increase size of maps. Unless 1 map "king size".

    I received a message , from Toadie der Beugsame, saying , that I was exclude the game worl cup because I tried to get profit , to put 1 result different in W1 than w2 and claim for the prize, then he blocked me and I can defense in any way. And I can answer, please help me.
    1.- First of all , I don,t claim for any prize wich I never win.
    2.- You don,t say nothing about this penalty if I have this mistake.
    3.- This decision haven´t any proportion with de fault and the penalty.( I play en 2 servers and I send the different predictions in each server) and results in each server
    4.- I win 4 results and you only give 2 results in server 2 and only 1 en server 1.
    Please let me play and give me the prizes