Not just a problem with your heart, but really with your must understand that you are really destroyed in all legality, stop rage and cry on the forum, too late for you steph...


    When someone is better than you, he is a cheater, stop your hallucinations, stop cry and rage, bye bye your beautiful HOF!!! gg EMSI !!!


    La mangouste, irina, JonesXIII... this man or woman try to ban players, only because he's behind at the classement.

    On the forum he publicate the name of the players with accusations...
    A day for false insult, next day for false cheat, for Umode....
    and other...

    The forum is not the place for crying like a baby, and accusate with the pseudo of the players.

    It's not the first time for this person !

    The post stay open, very strange...
