Further question..

    Similar to the test, if you transfer, are you removed from your original universe?

    Or is it a compulsory move for everyone involved?

    So am i right in thinking the Royal Rumble is a test for 3 days.

    When/if the official fusion universe comes along, what are the parameters? will it be the same 200x etc?

    Quick quesiton.

    On my INT account i am using a very old log in, which i attached to my bitmeup account, but i can't register this account with any other universes. Because of this i have another account in the bitmeup which i can register anywhere. Am i right in thinking that i won't be able to move my INT account anywhere, and it would have to be the Retro one or a new one?

    Its been a pleasure playing alongside you.
    I do hope you come back if you can, maybe for the new universe and join me, you have my name so send me a message if you decide too!

    Good luck and take care


    Quick Question.

    "Trading everything, 0-1% for IU members next to me when I have the Merchant"

    This is in your ingame bio... so are you saying you charge even your much smaller alliance mates for trades when you have the merchant? I would understand charging when it's not using the merchant as you've had to do something for the resources, but charging when all you have to do is click a button and it converts?


    Yay Sitizen finally contributing!! I like it!! But it seems like you're playing a little safe, why don't you go after an active target who could potentially hurt you when you attack them?

    You're losing, badly, but because you don't want to accept that you move the goal posts. Just accept that you are behind, and do something about it!

    I wish i had played in the Genesis universe but i never found myself having enough time!!

    I do like the idea of a 'fog of war'. Not being able to see other players in a system until you have had a ship conduct a mission there. I think a new type of ship could be implemented, a science ship or sorts, which could scan galaxies to find potential habitable planets. Each planet could have different characteristics, such as large fields, % increase in pig, kryp or spice. Once the scan of the system has been completed, the player could then send a colony ship or fleet to that system. Maybe sending a fleet or ship into the fog without proper intel could result in a small % of the fleet being lost for a period of time, until it made it back to your planet, at a random time but depleted. This would encourage people to get proper intel first, because if they 'lost' their fleet in the fog, it could appear back at their own planet when they are not on and be attacked.

    What do you think? Would add a new aspect to the game. Players who just enjoy building could hide out in the far reaches of space. It could even take a length of time determined by research on how long it takes a science ship to scan a system. So players could hide in the blackness of space!

    To be fair it is very unclear, not posted on this new forum and not even sure if it was posted on the original SI forum on the war thread!

    Manumagicpig is below 200k points, not sure where you got 60 mill from cause Torak isn't over 60 mill either!

    V nice! Care to share?