Sorry, but for all those saying what about the AUS flag or NZ flag..

    LOOK WHERE THE LANGUAGE CAME FROM, that's why it bothers us. Because we're English and speak English not American or US English. end of

    AODM1, I've had this argument many many times in the past as it is really frustrating..

    It is just to do with language, but the language is English, England which is part of the UK, so should be the Union Flag.

    Won't change though, despite how stupid it is

    Interesting that it was used in this way!

    What's even better and interesting is that it was posted on the board!! Usually these things aren't discussed on the board but it's interesting from the outside to see extra bits of information!

    Just a thought. When we have events on, such as the current one, we have (x4) of whatever the prize is.

    But when you get the free spin, it's only singular.

    Why not have it multiply too?

    So instead of one spin you get 4?

    Also permanently why not win 2 free spins? as 1 is pointless, it just means you're spinning it again, getting the same result?

    I have a bit of an issue with the code, in the sense that when i tried yesterday it had expired

    When the post went up on facebook I asked how long it would be valid for, as I was in VM and wanted to use it on Sunday... I got told that it was all weekend, and have a screenshot on fb to back that up.

    Came on yesterday to try and put it on and it's expired...

    Let's be honest, shield domes aren't useful once you hit a certain amount of points, quite a low amount of points.

    They're called shield domes, why doesn't shield technology have an active effect on these domes..

    When you're a 3k point player it's great stopping similar size players from just taking your overnight res with a dome, but there's always those out there that can. But as a 300k player, it's obsolete as everyone can destroy it, and it's only a small deterrent if you have one.

    But what if the different levels of shield tech had an effect on the strength of the domes? So say at a higher level it wouldn't take 100 battleships to destroy it, but 1000

    Just a thought as they're shield domes, surely they should use shield tech!

    With the pirate one, does this give a major disadvantage to anyone who doesn't have an asteroid as we won't be able to see any pirate movements?