The following fleets fought against each other on 2017-08-07:

    Attacker: -Peranakan-

    Battleship 50031

    Defender: Freaks

    Mortar 1
    Heavy graviton cannon 1
    Ion cannon 1
    Positron lighter 1
    Small shield dome 1
    Large shield dome 1
    Transmitter 10
    Small fighter 75200
    Phoenix 1000
    Colony ship 4
    Solar cells 200
    Spy probe 749
    Recycler 10085
    Battleship 1100
    Stealth bomber 304
    Destroyer 5000
    Imperial starbase 20


    Attacker: -Peranakan-

    Battleship 49656

    Defender: Freaks

    The attacker won the battle!
    He won 666.845 pieces of pig iron, 397.562 pieces of metal, 582.660 kryptonite crystals, 122.776 units of spice

    The attacker lost a total of 22.500.000 units.
    The defender lost a total of 1.422.425.000 units.

    There are now 342.467.600 metal and 227.415.800 kryptonite at these space coordinates
    The chance of an asteroid forming is 20%

    Converter by si-machine 1.1

    I collected all the rubble to. Glotr Freaks

    I've not logged in for a few weeks. Just looking through Retro its obvious that more people are leaving the game than are joining.

    Should this not be looked at first before spreading an already thin play base accros yet another uni?

    Im sorry but I dont see how another uni can work when so few people seem to be playing.

    Earlier today we had the issue with accounts not showing I managed to unlink my Bigpoint account from the Bitmeup one I can log in still use the BP log in but can not link my accounts again can this be fixed? Or am i stuck?

    Ok there is always one idiot in my idiot state of click here and there i think i have managed to unlink my bp account with the new one.

    My User ID: 3164 But am i right in thinking there is not a lot that can be done from doing some reading from else where?

    Hope still cant get in

    through the portal all i get is a black screen

    Through i log in and it says i need to join a uni

    Update: I have managed to log in via my old bp account. Now have IU manged to unlink my accounts? If so how do i link again or do i need to make a new account to link to the new portal?

    I had my accounts linked was able to log in ok. Got logged out now im being told my accounts are not linked

    I am at a loss everything seemed to be going ok. I cant even give my user Id my user name BP wise was -peranakan-

    I dont remember doing anything silly but hey doesnt mean i didnt I hope this can be sorted and I can find my account or if its lost then it will be a good bye from me lol

    Thanks in advance for any help

    I've been giving some more thought about the fusion of uni's and having looked at the the amount of folks registered and playing in SI2.0 (currently Registered: 660) of those players how many play in other universes?

    We take all SI1.5 uni's excluding INT Genesis and ECO Wars which should remain to allow folks to continue to play Classic SI if they wish. The other Uni's move them to SI2.0 which is under populated and really hasnt been used as it it was intended. 2.0 should be the jewel in the crown of the Game after all. With the smaller amount of players in si2.0 the risk of compensation does still exist but of those 660 the chances are the numbers will fall further as many that play si2.0 wont possibly play in other uni's other than the ones mentioned.

    Parker mentioned advertising and yes that does come at a cost as Sarkasmus also said. But this brings me back to what I said before about using the platforms people use.... Si has a FB page simple things like small completions to say win game currency that encourage people to share the post to be entered. Use the page members to to pass on adverts.

    Cost seems to be a big factor in any promotion of the game. I dont know the prices involved as such but again FB charge per click of your sponsored add. Crowd fund it say for a month working out say oh that will cost for example 2000 Euro. Again put it to the members to decide if they want the game promoted and if so they will need to chip in.... Its a free game after (unless you buy from the shop) again depending on how much a person chips in a perk can be awarded.

    I guess both come hand in hand and I know the Go's dont have a lot of time on thier hands to run a FB page but maybe its something a member who plays could do. And no I dont want to FB annoys me :D

    I've read through posts that I can. I have to agree with folks that something needs to be done to save "our game" but I'm not sure yet another merge of Uni's is the right move we have been there before and if that had of worked we wouldn't be talking about this now.

    While I am more than happy with the changes that have taken place over the last couple of years which BP had told us where impossible I find myself playing less and less. While i don't play games on many other platforms ie Facebook I have to wonder if any thought has been given to build an app that would work both within Facebook and the game its self?

    There is no getting away from the fact that the way people play games has changed over the last few years and I don't think Si has quite moved with those times....

    Just before coming out of VM I noticed this instead of displaying when VM would finish and I would go yellow it is showing strange dates I went into vm on the 10 October 2016 :/ This is in the Retro Uni

    You are in vacation mode!

    The vacationmode will automatically end at 12/9/2016, 7:55:03 AM

    On the log in screen it now says there 0 registered and 0 playing. While this doesnt effect game play it does give out the wrong message if a new player comes along... Who is going to register and play if they think no one is playing?