I have spent quite a few days now trying to think of something to say in regards to these events but I am still at a loss for words. Hochstedter says it best I think, the idea that Speedgunner would risk his account is not believeable. In fact it is ludicrous. I have played this game as long as he has and cant believe that you would treat a player like him this way. Yes you certainly have challenges in balancing the game. I remember way back when when they tried limiting all players to 10 castles. Its all been tried. The unbalanced nature of the game is due to the fact that it is an old game and this should be celebrated not discarded, and certainly not derided which it seems is happening.

    A player like speed over the years has helped countless players grow, players who contribute to the game and are your customers, he has dealt honourably with so many foes over the years and kept them in the game, he has given away castles and resources....you know, I don't have many paladin knights, i'm too lazy to click for troops so i dont have many but since i have built up my kingdom under the protection of such a horrible person as speed, perhaps you should just ban and erase me too.

    You could have balanced the game by celebrating how old damoria is and, just and idea, you could have celebrated the achievements of long standing players may be make a hall of fame or something and offered them an incentive to down size, like buying there castles back with gold. Again just an idea but to brutalize these players with incredible insensitive rule changes and then try and hang them in a kangaroo court is pathetic

    I can't remember how long I have played this game. I do know I took the inspiration for my player names from my girlfriends cat, she is now my wife and we have four kids and my belly isnt as flat as it once was. I also remember that once I lost all my castles in a war and was reduced to only my main, can't remember who we were fighting then either...I hope Damoria comes through the changes successfully, thats about it, oh yah 100/30 suits me just fine lol