I knew it! The truth is finally revealed! You are actually Donald Trump in RL! It's your tenuous grasp of reality that gave you away, Donnie!

    Chart out how much you have grown, Sitizen, then plot my point growth beside it. The numbers speak for themselves. Yes, I am catching up with you, and quickly. And thanks to your people for providing much of the material - another fact you cannot seem to grasp.

    Sitizen: "Posts #241 and #242 are the same"

    Put your glasses back on and look closely: no, they're not. Wrong again, Sitizen.

    And I still don't buy your "explanation" on why everybody else counts war points in a war but you somehow get to exempt yourself from that standard. Building ships does you & your minions no darned good if all I do is blow them up and cart the rubble home.

    Sitizen: "This is a total failure of the SCAR war."

    That is without doubt the silliest thing I have ever heard. You are really going through some kind of mental contortions to make all the "little" (ie, adding up into the tens of millions at this point) resources I've been farming from your guys into a failure. All I can say is, if this is failure, I'm gonna keep it up.

    Keep looking over your shoulder, Sitizen: I'm gaining on you, and will catch up to you before long. Then we shall see who is failing.

    Think so, huh? Well, I hope I just keep "losing" the way I am and you IU folks keep "winning" the way you are. So far I've built a LOT of ships from your "winnings", LOL!

    Uh-huh. That's why you post how many ships you made today, right? No! Wait! You DO post battle reports! You, and everybody else who makes a good hit. See, that's REALLY what it's all about! Wake up and smell the coffee, dude!

    Sitizen: "...it is how you are doing in fleet."

    I've never heard of a war ever being fought that way in the history of mankind - or in SI. War, I repeat, is NOT a contest of who can build the most ships and then park them somewhere. IT'S WHAT YOU DO WITH THEM!

    Again, Sitizen, you have TOTALLY missed the point about war: it's not about how many ships you build--that is clearly NOT war--but what you do with them. It's about the fight - that's why BATTLE reports are posted, not building reports.

    Dude, wake up and smell the coffee!

    War is NOT about how many ships you build but what you DO with them, and so far all your people have been doing with their ships is losing them - not that I'm complaining about that!

    Also, will there be some way for us to know whether we are eligible to get an asteroid or not? Since you will be tracking the date the last asteroid was made, perhaps display the timer or a brief message somewhere, maybe something like "asteroid eligible on: and then the date", in Settings?

    I **DON'T** like the idea of an expiration date on asteroids. I gave up a lot of resource to get them--only a 1 in 5 chance at best!!--and then invested a lot into building them up. Keep them as they are!

    If somebody doesn't want their asteroid, they can simply delete it. Or is it that they don't want somebody else to have an asteroid, and all the benefits that go with it?

    Funny, it doesn't feel like failure with all that wonderful IU resource I've been collecting. But, hey, if that's failure, I hope it continues.

    SI is a great game – it must be or I and others wouldn’t be playing it for years, but there are a couple of things that could be done to enhance the playing experience. The addition of the “Stars” program Is great! It really helps the new players advance quickly and more fully participate in the game. With that in mind, below are a few other enhancements and additions that could make the game even more fun and challenging:

    • On the Interdimensional Transmitter, when returning the “You Get another free spin”, also include something with it (resource, ships, urplasma, etc.) to make it truly a good thing. As it is now, it’s more of an annoyance: you get nothing out of it.
    • It’s nice that ships can traverse from Universe 1 to Universe 14, but this essentially makes the galaxy “cylindrical,” which galaxies are not. Why not also make it possible to go from system 1 to system 400 in the universes? This would make the galaxy circular, which is more like it is naturally.
    • If the galaxy is circular, have only 360 systems in it, as in the degrees of a circle, not 400.
    • Vary the number of planets in a system. Right now all star systems have 16 planets; it would be more interesting if that number varied, as they are in real life.
    • Some universes, such as Retro, have many players; others, like Int, have fewer, yet all have 14 universes within – which means that players can be far more separated in the less populous system and thus have less contact. In the less populated Unis, why not “contract” the universe down to 10 or 12 uni until an increase in players needs the additional planets? More contact = more fun and challenge!
    • Allow multiple asteroids, or “moons”: a 2nd or 3rd one?
    • If there’s a battle at a planet with an asteroid, or at the asteroid itself, allow some of the rubble to “fall” to the asteroid and increase its size, to a new maximum of 60 fields. If 60 fields is reached, then the possibility of creating another asteroid/moon. Also, if this occurs, half of the improvements on the existing asteroid are destroyed by the impacts.
    • To eliminate confusion on when an event ends, such as the flower/rubble event just completed, include an event timer counting down how much time remains in the event. Perhaps include it on the main page just below where the number of flowers was shown?
    • In these events, perhaps keep track of how many flowers/how much rubble was collected and award 1st, 2nd, 3rd prizes for the most recovered?
    • Display a notification when a construction is completed, just as when an achievement is reached. The same display bar could be used but color-coded to reflect the different things being completed.
    • Prefix a planet’s asteroid with the planet’s name. Right now they are all called “asteroid,” which can be confusing. If multiple asteroids are allowed around a planet, then add a numerical suffix to the asteroid’s name.
    • At the bottom of the main screen, there the “Intergalactic planet overview” is located, add a similar function “Intergalactic fleet overview,” listing fleet ships by planet & what’s being built.
    • At the bottom of the columns of resources in “Intergalactic planet overview” (and similarly in “Intergalactic fleet overview,” if added), add a “total” line at the bottom, totaling each column.
    • Add a new category of “colony”: a “Fire base.” These are not full-fledged planetary colonies but a war base of limited capabilities. On a fire base, only shields can be built for defense, and only fleet bases, development centers, Microsystem Accelerators, and teleporters can be built – no manufacturing or mining facilities! After all, it’s a military base! Allow a player a maximum of perhaps 2 or 3 of these. The choice of what’s to be built—colony or fire base-- can be made as the colony ship is sent out, and a fire base cannot later be converted to a regular colonial planet.

    Some of these are likely easier to implement than others, but all would enhance the game. Players: if you agree, let Admin know by posting it here!