It's not like that.

    I was concerned that you wanted to punish players for not trying to save fleet when he had less than 5 sec.
    This is very strange behavior for me if team want to go this way.

    The rest is not that important if intercepting player did not know about those farewell plans of his target. For him its the same battle as others then.
    Of course - if they made an agrement ingame about this - you are right here.

    I dont like to discuss about farewell battles, i dont want them them same as you here.

    Can you 100% proove that this both players has no contract to get this fleet ? No!
    so, on facts (ingame) and basicly this post whats prove this facts ingame, we need to accept that he dont want to escape.

    Every law is based on fact, that you need to prove a guilty of someone - not his innocence.
    Can you prove that those players had a contract ingame to do this - Yes or no ? Facts not guesses.

    Is a litle bit of strange for me if they would want to do it this way, - instead standart BR, and writting anything about it here like this farewell thread.
    This makes no sense at all if someone wanted to cheat ?( - dont you think ?

    If team want's to give judgment's on queses, this may end up badly for the game and all players ...

    Dschi - but this is the risk every attacker makes when flying next to stronger opponnents.

    Quote from Dschi

    he has admit that he dont want to escape (5sec escape) if some one attacks him because he dont want to play anymore.

    Try to make an escape flight with 5 sec time.
    Know also that you need to save all of you fleet that you builded in years, and this may be the end of game for you if you will not make it.
    Thats not that simple in such situation anyway... some may say its pointless.

    Anyway thanks for answer.

    If they made a argreement between themselfs - yes you are right... But if not ? Look from other side now on this.
    So if you see a target - you cant fly to it if there is a risk of inteception ?

    Whats the point of attacking others in this game if you can be acused by any bored player who want to quiet next if his attack will end the worst way for hiim ? You know how this may affect game in what we have a lot such borred occasionally flying players ?

    Dschi i really dont understand this what i readed this. (and its not the translator)

    One player made a nice strategy to catch another one, made a plan, lure opponent to fly to potencial target and intercepted him on way back.
    Before the BR - intercepted player writted a post here that he thinked that this may happen but decided to fly enyway and say good bye to all at the end here.

    Why you want to punnish the attacker now ?
    The game makes no send with such rules.

    So if i fly with all of my flight, got interceptedy by top1 fleet playet or Alliance attack, and write here that i was thinking this may happen but deceded anyway to make a risky attack becouse game is boring or any other reason, you will accuse him of illegal push becouse i was thinking this may hapen ???

    Whats the sens of making attacks in this game then ?

    Should be alright :)
    Hard to say what version players will prefer, but this one is more usefull for all players who have more than 4 roids.

    thanks for doing something with this.

    Why you don't start and build account on one of those 3 unis when it was announced first time this merge can happen ? Alliance member with previus experience made almost 10 kk points in last 3 and half months after start form 0.

    Register and build a account if you want to play i new uni - simple.
    There is still time - I dont belive fusion will be faster then half of february (or maybe im wrong here)... just my hunch.

    I think it would be good for all thoose that have 2 accounts on INT/De/Ru to allow them to transfer seccond accont to RETRO after moving one to new fusion uni (If players will decide for this step)... beter to heve more players then less.

    They could have possibility to move their planets there only in v-mode for some time, after each planet transfer v-mode would be reseted to another 48 h - so nobody would abuse this to make battle report. This would not interupt the game there on attack protection like last time.

    Lot players in INT are waiting for this becouse like Wartownik said, it really borring for us to play offensivelly with current number of players ... this is really a problem for small unis.
    I dont want to complain becouse you did a lot of good and hard work for this game, but unfortunettly it was more fun for me to play this game 10 years ago with lot of laggs, bugs and other problems becouse we had 2-3 k players on each server.

    Thats the sad truth :(

    On 9 October 2017

    Marius: we have much work with the next events; but we plan to have the poll this year; and the fusion 1st quarter of next year.

    Last :

    28 November 2017

    we already planned this fusion, you will go for it next year - or you can vote for them starting next year - maybe not all players like this!

    I would like to be not irritating ... but it would be nice to know how "things are", lot of players on INT are waiting for some info here pls.

    Its for all to dont worry about fleets and resources, good time also to use 2-3 x production from snow event.
    You will have possibility to hunt down those fleets that will rise on the time of the Attack protection later ;)
    Few days on Att.Pr. in year should not be a that problem

    Thank you for giving this :)

    In the main menu of game, where we have fleet command, buildings the main button its called now: Moje Statystyka
    It should be:

    Moja statystyka
    Moje statystyki

    This way it's not proper polish, you can use any of those.
    And i missed these line somewhere :

    $lang_array['si.common.statistic.stolen_resources'] = "Przejęte surowce";

    Thank you for this :)

    If You have a spare time :) ... PL Translations

    My statistics - Moje statystyki

    Ranking: Ranking
    Choose a ranking: Wybierz ranking
    Member: Sojusznik
    Choose a member: Wybierz sojusznika

    Over Statistic: Ogólna statystyka
    My statistic (alliance data): Moja statystyka (Sojuszowa)
    New statisic sheet: Nowa karta z statystyką

    Reset alliance statistic: Zresetuj statystyke sojuszową

    start date: Data rozpoczęcia
    Pigiron mined: Żelazo wydobyte
    Metall produced: Metal wydobyty
    Kryptonite mined: Kryptonit wydobyty
    Spice mined: Spice wydobyty
    none-battle ships built: Zbudowane statki nie ofensywne
    battle ships built: Zbudowane statki ofensywne
    defense built: Zbudowana obrona
    colonization flights: Loty kolonizacyjne
    transported resources: Przetransportowane surowce
    spy missions: Misje szpiegowskie
    recycled resources: Zrecyklowane surowce
    involved battles: Wszystkie walki
    initiated battles: Zainicjowane walki
    battles won: Wygrane walki
    battles lost: Przegrane walki
    Units destroyed on Attack Missions: Jednostki zniszczone podczas ataku
    Units destroyed on own planets: Jednostki zniszczone na własnych planetach
    lost units during attack missions: Jednostki stracone podczas ataku
    lost units on own planets: Jednostski stracone na własnych planetach
    shot asteroids: Stworzone asteroidy

    Leader should be able to see every activity here. If someone block this - how the leader can see that player is playing at all ?, and the same when such account can turn from v-mode to innactive.

    But yes, i woud not to be bad to hide this individually by each player.

    I did not know that.
    Always when GO readed a message insteadSI team was his nick.
    But this still dont change the fact that i never got any respond after sending two reports...

    On 28-09-17 (!) i made an astro, before it was created one alliance player who helped me with this - loosed few unit's what i gived back to him in transport. Off corse i writted to GO about this and ... the message was never readed (all the time it was named as SI-Team in my outbox - not GO nickname).
    And in the end it was erased by system after 60 days i belive.

    Just be awere they may be not so simple to get any anser now also... (i may be wrong)