I just try again it's good to work the transfer is in progress, thank you very much for your speed,good evening to you

    I have an account on the nexus at 0 points, I would like to transfer my account from dark gate nexus but I am not the possibility, how should I do ??

    The interdimensional transmitter does not give any CC or PH it gives that the transmitter of the recyclers or probes!The fleet is made with attacks and recycling!
    We raid from morning to night, you had to know you receive our probes? we are not afraid to attack us! even the top 10 we are attack! so to say that we pay our fleet you are misinformation!Currently I have enough to 500cc planets in 20 minutes which represents on 10 planets a total of 5000 cc so 150,000 fleet point every 20 minutes!
    ask Coran, ask Styna and all the others if you do not attack, besides I recycle slater a few days ago!

    After there is a difference between a player who puts 20 euros for fun and a player who puts 200 euros per day!This is not the case of our alliance,
    we have players who do not even the "merchant",
    we did not put more than 20 euros each and we are 3 to have done!
    the others did not put anything in the game!
    This message was not created to attack the PAYTOWIN allianceThis article was created to ask if it is possible to limit the number of possible interdimensional transmitters per day to avoid abuse!

    lol - l'allié paie pour gagner pleure parce que les autres paient pour gagner ^^
    Un séjour sans faille
    - vous aviez tous les deux raison. mais vous ne parlez que d’un joueur, qui pourrait être le premier moins de temps - c’est votre problème.

    You do not mind to loot from morning till night to have resources to evolve that the other quotes he puts 50 euros he doubles his points in 5 min while you took weeks to have a lot?

    me first I put money but not so much! I took my assistants,
    I appreciate a little black Friday X3 but without abusing!

    the return of attack is forbidden in ip match!I attack geko who is in match ip with Justhorst so you did not have the right to intercept me (try =))Also, as I said 30 seconds to type the 10 probes, my bugger is anti-game, read the rules if you have the automatic refresh page that reloads each probe and you have no control over the game ,why Geko probe me so many times in such a short time?

    I do not think it's permissible what you did when I attacked Geko and you had your planet to intercept me!it's a little too easy at this time any player can mount 3 or 4 accounts in ip match and the colo to list each other then intercept smaller fleets with big accounts!I already played space invasion in other worlds and that was never allowed!

    Because you find normal ip match trying to interception of another player? it's well written in the rules: no transport, no interception, no group attack, no recycler loan ...
    When we have a match ip, we have the right to be part of the same alliance but it remains the same! with 3 accounts playing one on the other you expected what?You should have played everyone in your corner!