Hi Dschibait,

    This morning, the player we are talking about was offline and my partners hit a several number of his planets.
    They even found his fleet on his roid.
    The player "mortouvif_1" tried to destroy this fleet on the roid but once he hit the roid, nothing happened.
    So the fleet was probably in AA.
    In the rules, it's strictly forbiden to do escape flights with AA:
    "Using the alliance attack option to escape flight will be considered as bugusing."

    This guy just used the AA system to escape flight, that's what we want to point out here, if he wouldn't have done this, his fleet would have been destroyed now.

    And anyway: "Furthermore the AA hast to be launched or cancelled within 36 hours after the planning phase has been initiated."

    So can you please at least cancel the AA?

    In any case, what he did was illegal...

    Hahaha, not a competition universe, are you kidding me ? Why do you set prizes for the top ranking if it's not for competition ??? You are full of contradictions

    Xelag will get the second general rank (that I currently have with 12 planets, not 14 ;) ) just because he spent hundred €€€ into Inter Transmitter... He made barely 400 k fleetpoints in 3/4 days...

    Of course you let it going that way to get money, not "to get big accounts rly active" as u said...
    Me too I want to build up a big account that I will transfer to play actively... even if I don't buy as much as xelag, but the way the things goes in this universe just make me want to quit !!!

    And Once again, no I am not surprised, I am really angry and I find it pathetic :thumbdown: :thumbdown: :thumbdown:

    why this is such a surprise ? You didn't read announcements?

    Did I say it was a surprise?

    Absolutely not, actually it's not the first time because some players already complained about this Inter. Transmitter during the First Genesis universe when some players abused it...

    Looks like you don't want to correct the mistakes you made before... Not sure why... Is it to make money ?
    Don't the other premium options earn u already enough (merchant, escape flight assit.,...) ???

    That's sad anyway, pay to get to the top...

    P.S : It's actually worse now than when it was used in the Genesis uni because you improved the different things you can obtain with it, you can get multiple productions, this is ridiculous... Shame on that "policy" :thumbdown: :thumbdown: :thumbdown:

    Why did you let Inter. Transmitter in the Dark Gate universe seriously?

    One player (xelag) just took 200 k fleetpoints in two days with it...

    You can get everything with that: Multiple productions, fleet, ressources, fields and even roids...

    This is ridiculous, it's like the top ranking is just to sale...

    You could at least set a maximum amount of activable Inter. Transmitters per day... :thumbdown: :thumbdown: :thumbdown:

    Hi dear Dschibait,

    Even If I didn't buy any "Fleet pack", "Starter pack" or a 13th and 14th planet, I sucessfully got the first rank in the Dark Gate universe, I am really glad of it 8o , well I confess I bougth the merchant for 1 month :D
    Can you give me a 13th and a 14th planet as a reward? :thumbup:

    Well, more seriously, I noticed that you set the min. fligth time to 5 mins, I am ok with it but there is a little problem: when I want to recycle my own planet, it takes 5 mins as well :( , would you please fix it ?


    Bad idea.
    And made "pay to win" uni at the very beggining :thumbdown:
    As longer its possible to not add this fures - better for most of (non-premium) players.

    Indeed, while I am trying to unlock Kolo-ships, ppl who bougth the packs already had enough kolo-ships to colonize their 14 planets, they were plenty of ressources and could send these last ones where ever they wanted at a high speed with transmitters...

    There are absolutely no challenge and no fun playing this, you buy=you re at the top, you don't=you're not.
    This universe turned into a joke as soon as it began, as soon as the first actualisation fell, there was already one guy with 1,5k pts :cursing: LMAO...

    Anyway,it looks like the only thing Dschibait cares about is how much money he s going to make with this uni, that's really sad ... :thumbdown:


    I don't understand the point to forbide the Inter. Transmitter untill November 16 if you let people free to buy "5 Starter packs" and "5 fleet packs" as soon as the universe began?
    I tougth this universe could be fun but it just turned into a "Pay to Win" universe... :thumbdown:
