Mir sind heute beim Umkleiden meiner Ritter 2 rote Segen abhanden gekommen. Ich weiß nur nicht wie. Aus Versehen verkauft habe ich sie meines Wissens nicht. Könnte mir allerdings vorstellen, dass ich die Archivgrenze gerissen habe und die beiden dahinter geblieben sind. Kann man das irgendwie herausfinden?

    Bei der Gelegenheit möchte ich um 2 zusätzliche Ritter nachfragen, die ich für Testzwecke brauche (dann muss ich meine Ritter auch nicht mehr entkleiden).

    Dritter Punkt wäre die Vermutung, dass das (auf 80) erweiterte Inventar nicht alle Items anzeigt. Wenn ich per multiselect aus meinem gefüllten Inventar einige überflüssige Items an den Händler verkaufe, tauchen, kaum dass die Items weg sind, unten weitere überflüssige Items auf, die vorher nicht da waren.

    • I spotted a lot of cheating on the purchase of an item, the most evolving players sell their item at very specific times so that players from their alliance can buy them but its items are very expensive so in return the player who sold an object of nivo 50 buys an object at the moment the player to whom he sold it is at the same prices while this time the object is level 10 so the weak player buys an object of nivo 50 at 0 thaler is the same for players who in Damoria trade resources

    As far as I can see the only player who continuously is selling level 50 items is me. I have to admit that this is the only thing I understood in this post.

    To clear up things and to abbreviate the discussion let me tell you that everybody is invited to buy the items I offer and will get a payback of about 75 to 80%. This is what I do since months. Some players were interested in this, some were not, now that tournament has started many are interested, so what's the problem?

    To me the tournament will become interesting when someone is able to beat my knights 7, 8 and 9 in the quarter final (Hochstedter excluded). To make this moment happen I continue to run missions and to sell items.

    As already told this is only a test tournament, activated to get familiar with the tournament handling, to find and eliminate bugs and to discuss issues of any kind, nothing to win except experience and credits.

    Wenn diese Akkumulation durch das Kampfscript so gedacht ist, geht natürlich die Finesse des Ritterverschiebens verloren, weil es egal ist, in welcher Reihenfolge die Ritter kämpfen. Meine Vorstellung war, dass man durch das Verschieben einem sehr starken Ritter ausweichen kann und dafür dann vielleicht die beiden anderen Kämpfe und so das Finale 2:1 gewinnt.

    Die "Patrouille zum Bergdorf" ist auf Level 50 im Ergebnis recht wenig fruchtbar. Ich meine die Missionen mit hoher Erfolgschance, ein Item der Qualität +80 oder höher zu finden. Von den letzten 100 Missionen haben meine Ritter gefühlt 2 Items mitgebracht. Das ist zwar (gefühlt) mehr Ertrag als bei den Gebirgspatrouillen, aber naja ?(

    Each knight should have a unique name (=> name ID). At the moment it is possible to have 10 knights of the following configuration:

    Name = knight
    Background: black
    Frame: black

    I think one should be able to distinguish and to identify the single opponent knights in the finals, especially when you had the opportunity to study them during the qualifying, but also when you use to meet them regularly in one of the finals. If they all look the same, there's no way to react on the change of a knight during the preparation phase, because you can't recognize any movement.

    Ich habe mir gerade das gestrige verlorene HF gegen Hochstedter (0:3) angeschaut. Dabei fällt einiges auf.

    1. Den 1. Kampf gewinnt mein 1. Ritter, dennoch lautet die Wertung 0:3!
    2. Danach wird ein Gefecht angezeigt zwischen dem, was von meinem 1. Ritter noch übrig ist, und dem 2. Ritter Hochstedters.
    3. Der 2. Ritter Hochstedters schlägt dann noch meinen 2. Ritter.
    4. Der nur leicht demolierte 2. Ritter Hochstedters wird anschließend in seinem 3. Gefecht von meinem 3. Ritter geschlagen.
    5. Die Reste meines 3. Ritters werden schließlich von Hochstedters 3. Ritter zerlegt.

    Das Problem der Kreuz-und-Quer-Kämpfe ist mir bereits aus der Simulation bekannt, weshalb ich es vermieden habe, da mehr als 2 Ritter einzutragen. Ich hatte mir das allerdings nie genau angeschaut, eben weil es nur ein Simulationstool ist.

    I started to fight with a player called vinylmatt. After the 1st round the player changed to Raswir!? Now 3rd fight again a different player. Maybe I misunderstood completely the play mode. I thought I would fight with one player only (10 knights, 10 fights).

    If I'm not wrong the first player has quit (and sells out his complete equipment). A reaction which would give a clear hint to the circumstance that this guard thing takes far too much time. The first time I thought "now it's enough" was at level 30. I wonder how I got it to reach the 50. I think a huge part of this success is owed to the pandemic situation and its consequences. I definitely would appreciate a reduction to maximum 40 levels. Maybe it's worth a reflection.

    By running few daily missions everybody can get 30% more ressources or faster troop production. I think that's a very attractive "price" for low engagement (for what reason ever).

    The question, however, is: how could these players help the designated winner of your alliance in the tournament? You'll need strong knights to reach at least the quarter finals.

    Players check out competing knights and make changes - or not. Invisible to competitors;

    If your changes are invisible to the competitor the changes of the competitor are invisible to you too. So which information could be the basis for your decision then?

    An important question in this matter is: which information of the competitor's knights are displayed? All values, only the upper ones, only lives? The more detailed information I get, the more I'm able to evaluate the strength of the competitor's knight, thus making me able to react. This reaction will have an effect only in a dynamic fight mode. The poorer the information is the more static the fight mode might be. If you don't know what type of motor is inside of my 1960s VW you might consider it to be a very slow car :D