You kicked SIMON when he got all his bow troops + 90% of his regular troops cut from support. That's unfair!

    Your members do the same! Is this a funny man joke? I loose half castle and half troop and 100 more attack from tyra clan. Tyra keep kicking when I out of range under rank 50. Hypocritic comments made! Best for player have honor and honest intention!

    I see it a little differently my friend!

    It is sad to see how the largest alliance of Damoria, which has kicked many players from the server in recent years (meaning mainly Polish players), is unable to defend itself when faced with an equally strong opponent. Really sad! :(

    When players join forces to attack together, it is a sign of a functioning community, strong cohesion and identification with the alliance and its goals. Another question: if this tactic is so successful, why don't your players team up?You

    Kicked we did not do to player that did not attack many smaller players. Polish were attacking small alliance hard. We never do what the alliance of you do. second we have had much taken from our group in your cooperation and cheer for. Your group run many players from game in evil spirit. Evil spirit destroys game and player.
    Honor game or not is value.

    I think if you read the sentence - which represents the "problem" - you would understand that there was no serious background and certainly no attack on the admins, their work or the person behind the admins. Unless you "want" to understand and interpret the sentence (which I'm happy to reproduce here if I know that there won't be a ban ^^) seriously, or "sell" it in such a way that it is taken seriously. The sentence also ended with an xD, which shows that it's fun, even with foresight.

    Nevertheless, I emphasize that I also understand in principle when the admins take action when there are really legitimate and necessary reasons. But I don't see them here. There is no believable, intentional, or intentional breach of the rules here, on any part. Nobody made a mistake here either, even if one or the other will or wants to perceive it subjectively.:/

    Unfortunately, the result will most likely be that communication in any form will decrease/"suffer" or be more inhibited (ingame and also in the forum) and that's a shame.:(

    I have seen much worst in game. Expectation should be more fair and even action, Warn not capital punishent suddenly. Hope I not banned for saying.

    Only to clearify this, that i didn't demolish something (for trying) that you don't want to damolish.
    Whats exactly wrong with this castle "b Castle - demolish stop prob" ?
    Can i try to demolish this one? (to check this error)
    Which one you try to demolish?

    I was demolishing castle for two days to get about
    resources for my other castle.

    All stopped with update and I do not get resources!