Quote from Dschibait

    The current test run of the guard has ended. We still want to give you the opportunity to receive fame and exchange it for great bonuses.

    When it ends?
    I thought, from the announcement, that it would be yesterday. I didn't even participate in the auction anymore and the items went to the competition without a fight.Today the event remains and I have already signed up.

    There is a listing of the best classifieds. The best 8. Any player can check this list the next day.
    The general list of competitors does not exist. Those who participated managed to verify, on the day, the classification of those against whom they fought.
    I don't always participate in tournaments. When I participate I do not know the list of those who participated as well. I only know the position of those against whom I fought.
    When I don't compete, I don't know the general list. I would like to know. How many players participated, who and what is the overall ranking.

    The key for level 50 is activity. This should remain untouched.

    BUT maybe it is need more balance between itens (from missions or market) and training levels.

    Training to Level 50:
    Life: 5000
    Attack: 500+?(2000)?
    Crit: 22.5%
    You only need to compare this numbers with Hoch or mylovely knights. Item values are the most of the knight power.

    Why not increase training values?
    Why not reduce the amount of thalers out there? ie decrease hyperinflation.

    I propose for studying:
    A - Training - Power and Life
    Increase and invert the value curve of one of them. Something like:
    life = 20000 - 200 x level
    ( Level 20 = 16000 ; Level 50 = 10000 )
    Attack = 100 x level
    (Knights can only be equiped with itens same level + 3 or + 5)
    Maybe using another values and a quadratic or cubic equation.
    B - Thalers and auction
    Increased values for training. Less reward from missions. Less thalers, more accurate bids on auctions.

    Tighter and more equal fights for all.
    The most advanced players have, ofcourse, better knights but the distance to all others are minor.

    (I did not do the maths needed - I only point another way that seems like possible)

    I considere the chance of having tried a few milliseconds after another player. But if the map continues without showing that the square belong to another, even refreshed, it is something to be improved.
    I look for resources. It is my strategy. If I "lose" a few tenths of a point or even 1 or 2% in a situation like this one it is not relevante for me.
    Those looking for glory can "lose" several hundred or thousent points in a similar situation. It can mean losing several rank places and dozen bonus points. It would be or is very frustrating.
    The map refresh and accuracy is paramount.