taking care of buildings within the que. As you said it's more about early development of new planets. Well as long as your timer is longer then 1 hr then you could all ways send the mitters needed for the small supply of res needed to build that building away manually. Send the rest of the fleet with the EFA then recall the small Mitter fleet with res and set with EFA assisted flight to land just before the qued building is going to build. I know the mitter's will be on planet unless your able to very quickly login and savi them. As has been expressed the EFA is for the purpose of quick escapeflights and saving on spice. But with using both functions the EFA and normal manual EF's you basically are capable of sorting out fleet management.

    Well with save assistant if your wanting to split the fleet. Send what you want split away with the res you want on it. Then use EFA to EF your fleet. Recall the fleet you split and send using EFA. This you easily do without having to change how the EFA functions.

    I have mentioned it before in other similar posts that maybe we should set exactly how many days within a year that you are allowed to use. Say if we made it 3 Months that would mean you would have to be active for 3/4 of the year. And even if you run out of U-Mod days for the year you can still do long EF's to compensate for that. The only problem is when they introduced the circling of the solar systems and Galaxies they cut down the time you could do for long EF's. I remember being able to set EF's for nearly a 6 month period when you had Imperial Starbases. If they were to set a 3 month limit to to U-Mod a year. They could also look at being able to drop EF speed down to a 1% or 2% speed limit so as to allow for very long period EF's.

    Would it be possible now we are going for a more graphical approach to someday be able to have gif graphic's to allow for functions like Planet Rotation and Planetary weather. Also adding gif graphic's to Battle Report's.
    Allowing the player to really personalize their game graphic's.

    I looked there isn't any threads about this.
    Would it be possible to add one more line to the Intergalatic Overview

    eg: Particle Acummulator for Teleporter to allow you to know from your Intergalatic Overview how much power it has instead of having to go to the buildings to check.

    The miss conception about deleting cookies from your computer and device's. Cookies allow site's to increase the speed of loading the page's to your pc or device. If you constantly delete them then every time you re-visit the page after deleting the cookies the page has to re-download the cookie for the session. If you leave those cookies for space invasion you will find that your page's load extremely fast compared with deleting the cookies.

    When cleaning cookies it is better if you go through your browser settings and delete cookies and data for sites individually as then you can keep in place cookies you don't want deleted from your system.

    As cookies are an essential part when it comes to web browser game's. If your wanting to achieve the fastest page loading on your pc or device.

    Also your cache for image's and file's also needed for game site's for quicker page loading.

    Well you could all ways be able to stop a bot by when using a bookmark from the Notice section that you put in place a bot checker which has to be manually checked to continue through to the Galaxy Map. It might be one more thing you would have to do to be able to use it but then it would solve your complaint about the idea.

    I don't know how difficult it would be with Space Invasion but the ability to bookmark planets into the Notice section in game. This would allow quick access to to co-ords that are frequently used. You could have to allow a certain amount of bookmarks for free then increased number of bookmarks for player's with Spy Assistant.

    Dschibait I saw earlier you talked about the hype of web browser games. Quite a lot of them have died or taken up to becoming an App game instead. If your wanting to reach a wider Audience then maybe you need to develop Space Invasion from a web browser game into a APP game for Google Play, Microsoft and Apple.

    Are we going to see in the future skins for ship's and building's etc. As that would be great if your thinking of doing it. It is working quicker with less delay time now. I like the idea of skins. Just as you have to adapt in actual game play. Player's just need to accept change an adapt with it. There are plenty of game player's out there that will be attracted to join the game with such thing's as graphical skins to personalize their graphic's within a game.

    Well I just recently got myself a new Full Ultra High Definition monitor for the laptop. The new look is fantastic so it was worth the purchase of the monitor. As the graphic's are great looking. Plus the bonus of the spy probe and fleet movement icons. Plus the way the design is headed will be great for those who play from smartphone's in desktop view. You really don't and wouldn't need to make an app for Space Invasion with the new layout makes playing on a mobile device much better. I would highly recommend if you play on and from a mobile device like a Tablet or Smartphone to use the new beta version interface. This new look is impressive well done SI team. It would be great if sometime in the future of turning the other graphic's within the game to HD graphic's with the slight 3D effect. I also am seeing a improved delay time of moving between solar systems and improved delay time for selecting and sending. The Galaxy pop up screen is functioning much better with less delay time between clicking and the function actually performing the task.

    While it slightly off topic but relevant to Graphic's. It would be great if you were able to put in the setting the ability to set game resolutions for the game. This would go to fixing the problem some player's have who play on older computers and it would mean that player's who play from mobile device's would also benefit from such an ability. It would widen the audience of player's.

    Now if you take a look at the Nexus View PNG file then take a look at the Sirius View PNG File you will see what I mean by it is being displayed to the far right and not centered like it should be. This far right displaying is on the Sirius and the Retro server's.

    Thanks It's fixed I didn't know it was even there. In the chat. Thanks I might actually move it to the left now that I know I have control of where it is.

    I have put up with it for awhile but I am finally going to put this here. My SI Classic display where the page info is is being over to the far right instead of being centered. This is happening in Sirius and Retro the other 2 Nexus and Dark Gate the display is properly placed. I know it's the old display interface but it is the one best suited for those who use EFA's as the function works best with this interface design.

    Don't worry I had already purchased it again as you had said you would cancel it so I went ahead and did it.

    Sorry for the confusion I made the mistake with the purchase I thought I had purchased the EFA but must have clicked on spy assistant. So it was my mistake. Thanks for the help provided.