They would like to inform you that all features of the Ghost of Sparta ID: 94915 DURING THE BUG, and the go does not respond in the game, the exact amount of spices that are gone does not remember, but knows that it is between 120 and 150 million spices I would like somebody to respond to him by the game
    Player: Ghost of Sparta
    ID: 94915

    Thank you very much for the understanding of the team.

    yeah in my jokes i also write payment methodes that i accept and points what i pay.

    if its a joke, why you try to explain that you didnt know the rule?

    let me try to explain, we Brazilians make jokes of everything, even to scrutinize game scores, putting values, etc.
    and I'm saying that I do not really know the rule, I barely have time to play lately and since the game left the bigpoint, I did not see if anything had changed, especially the rules, I did not know that I could not market the account (in this case I was not selling) ... so I'm trying to explain and asking you to unlock my account.

    <3 <3 <3

    I was banned for a joke, I said that I would sell the account and they simply banned me, I played for over 7 years and this rule did not exist, it was implemented and not warned, but banning is unfair, the game already has few players and this way only I will accept temporary punishment of days, but definite does not make sense, I ask the G.Os to reconsider.