• Inter-Galactic Transport Hub (IGTH)

    Cost of Building : 10.000.000 Pig Iron , 5.000.000 Metal , 8.000.000 Kryptonite , 4.000.000 Spice

    x3 the cost per level to a max level of 4.

    It would enable the transporting of resource's between your different server accounts.
    But to transport the resource's the cost would be a % lose in resource's transported. Both Uni's envolved in the transport need to have a Inter-Galactic Transport Hub. If the two Uni's IGTH ain't of the same level. The % lose amount is worked out by the lower level between the two Uni's.

    % of lose Level 1 : 70% lose in total resource's transported.
    % of lose Level 2 : 65% lose in total resource's transported.
    % of lose Level 3 : 55% lose in total resource's transported.
    % of lose Level 4 : 40% lose in total resource's transported.

    For the interest of funding the on going game development maybe you could make it that the Merchant is needed to be able to use the function of this building. You would need both Uni's to have the Merchant for it to use the IGTH's function.