• Hi, this is more for the GO's the message's service time is 1 hr and half behind the actual time. Central Australian Time during Daylight savings is GMT +10:30 non daylight savings is GMT +9:30.

    If at some point you would be able to correct this problem it would be appreciated. But not a urgent matter. Just annoying to have to work the time out all the time to know exactly when the time the message was sent. Plus the spy reports time is out as well.

    Hope you can get to fixing it eventually Thankyou.

  • There are a number of discrepancies between times. I travel a lot, and where ever I might be, I change the settings to reflect my time zone. This is obviously needed for some things, but there are so many things that I have to go to google and type "Time in Germany now" to do a conversion...

    It would be wonderful if all displayed times match the time zone chosen in the settings.

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