• i don't remember making too many enemies but i dropped in to say hello lol...

    i don't have the time this game requires so im likely to stay in the shadows lol....

    but i miss you guys and the great times we had when i was in school...

    hope to see some of you around and see if they fixed this game since i last played...

  • yeah i noticed some stuff looks cleaner...its good to see you...

    the game feels different i spent an hour or so playing and its nice to get a reward for making progress but it also feels so cheap knowing that in a few short hours the rewards given will be nothing compared to the loot hauled in.

  • I think you probably did not activate the complete speed-up then. It will give you even research bonus so you can catch up to larger guys. The tutorial is already somewhat old now and was one of the first things implemented. At least it will speed up things on the beginning and give you the opportunity to have build up some basic planet pretty fast. from there the speed-up will continue to work for you.
    The achievements are more or less "useless" but of course a nice thing to have.

    The old gui (just blue) still is in there. Although the new styles look good, it reminds you where the game started^^

    The latest thing are the mentoring points, giving alliances the opportunity to get some advatages for having new members integrated. Probably one of the best things done. You should check the short speed universes we sometimes start there you can check what you still know of SI :P

    Unfortunately not all problems could be solved (translation stuff, asteroids to mention the two large) but tbh with that old system....
    After all SI declared dead in 2011 (at the latest) and still online - must be something special about it

    Anyway, it is always nice to hear from old players from time to time :)

  • yeah this game was kinda always doomed in its own way...once you get the AZ 15 for the most part you know the players your fighting... and you know which ones are farms and which ones are not worth the effort to attack because the gains will be nothing lol...

  • it is good to see the game still going. miss the fun i had in SGA back in the day.
    checking out retro now for fun and to see if i still have it ^^