Since a few days I have been having problems with the ctrl and arrow keys to move between the castles. I heard from an alliance member who had the same problem. Is this due to our computer or do other players have this problem?
Seit ein paar Tagen habe ich Probleme mit der Strg- und Pfeiltaste, um zwischen den Burgen zu wechseln. Ich habe von einem Allianzmitglied gehört, das das gleiche Problem hatte. Liegt das an unserem Computer oder haben auch andere Spieler dieses Problem?

we changed nothing in the last days - what exactly do you mean with "problems" ?
In Google Chrome, the use of CTRL+Arrow is no longer direct.
To be able to change between castles it is necessary to additionally click somewhere and only then CTRL+cursor works.
I noticed this problem a few days ago on an Asus + Win11 (chrome 126.0.6478.127 (64 bits) and since yesterday on an Asus + Win10 (Version ?? 64bit).
No problem with Firefox.
ok, i will look into this - thanks for clearification.
temporary solution:
CTRL + arrow to change to another castle, then TAB and then CTRL + arrow
tried in Google Chrome
AuricGFinger : Thanks, That works!
Good morning
I actually have the same problem
notice some problems on my mac and weird behaviors with the existing (and working) code
maybe some updates on Chrome or so ...
now it works for me, will be published in next days, hopefully it will work for you all
Has this been changed now? I've have the same problem with Firefox for a few hours now. It now only works directly after logging in.
ctrl- arrow keys works again in chrome.
Chrome - OK now
Firefox - not OK
(several hours with both non working yesterday)
published another hotfix ...
published another hotfix ...
Its working again, thank you...