Hello Space Pilots!
years ago we took a big step in SpaceInvasion 2 with the introduction of the aliens and “Artificial Intelligence”. Today we want to give you all the information about how we want to bring this in SI Classic.
All of this is not theory - you are invited to participate in our Aurea Test universe next Friday (8pm CEST), July 24th!
The AI update is divided into two blocks:
Spacia has been improved. You can expect the following changes:
- Spacia now changes its position within a given radius after 3-7 days. However, she does not “wander”, she always stays around here starting point, where she was initially spawned
- Spacias planets will now upgrade or downgrade. Every Friday the most or least attacked Spacia planets will changed.
- There is now a chance to intercept a returning escape flight with a low probability. If your attack on Spacia is lucky, make sure you can take up to 100M of all kinds of resources!
The new threat “aliens” has appeared in our galaxies!
We are pleased to present the new war against the aliens for SI Classic. The current status is a beta version, which should be expanded to make more tasks, interceptions or other strategic options possible in the SI Classic in the future. We want to develop the next steps together with you to bring the most fun to everybody.
We hope for many ideas / suggestions from you about which functions we can expand these aliens.
With this feature we tried to implement some points from the community that we have heard for years. Unlike other announcements, we have listed below various features “Developers Comment”. You are invited to read our thoughts and respond
Now enough written; In the next post you will receive all information about the aliens in SI Classic that we have planned so far.
Stay healthy - and have fun in space!
Best regards
Your SpaceInvasion Team