• Hi there

    first of all I wish a very happy new year to everyone hoping that damoria will please us again with interesting updates for the players!! maybe the creation of an archer in horsemen :/ :/

    I have 3 questions

    in your last message about bonuses for players in the ranking the first bonus will go to eu1 is the second bonus will go to eu2 or to eu1 ???

    then a question for eu2 I would like to know if I transform a castle into baldurs 1300bp if then I can transform it into mage baldurs ???

    and my very last questions with you had feedback to increase the number of mage baldurs which is limited to 10 and increase it to 15??? I currently have the 10 and I already have 2 in stock, I'm a fan of your events so I win them every time :thumbup: :thumbup:



    • Official Post

    Hello loic,

    Here are the answers to your questions as far as I can answer them:

    * The bonuses are in addition to previous rewards for W1 players starting on w2 (Venturia) and are intended for W1 The cruesades.

    * Yes, it is possible to turn an ordinary castle into a baldur with 1300 building spaces and then into a mage castle.

    * At the moment there are no concrete plans for this. I cannot say whether this option will be used in the future.

    best regards,